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  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaYjAADCu8A
  2. almost one year later and sam hyde is still a nazi
  3. every single pizza is part of a secret pizza clique and hawaiian pizza is the friend nobody likes
  4. "GoldenEye X". Think of it as "GoldenEye 007" on steroids: they're taking the engine used to make "Perfect Dark" and they're rebuilding "GoldenEye 007" within this engine. So this means they have some really neat touches: reloading animations, new weapons, dynamic lighting, et cetera. The mod started out as a revamped multiplayer, but the modders working on the project recently added three new playable campaign missions in the latest patch. Here's some loser nerd explaining it through video, though this probably makes it much less appealing than how I described it. which means i won't have anybody to play multiplayer that's on here :(
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXFS7uH0jw0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXFS7uH0jw0
  6. Been playing some "GoldenEye 007" romhacks recently. Some of the levels are pretty unimpressive where they're just levels from the original game with a few redesigned textures or something, but others are total conversions of levels from the ground up that look amazing. The "Island" level is personally one of my favourites. A small handful of the already existing levels from Multiplayer ported to be a single player mission aren't bad, though. I especially like the fact that someone ported the "Grid" multiplayer mission from "Perfect Dark" to become a solo mission.
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