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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by eczem

  1. Just wanted to say that I love what you guys did on this and the re-listenability is very high. Been on my regular rotation for a while now. Bangin tracks!
  2. Was hoping someone would bother to convert that, heh. Massive thanks @d-a-m-o . We are proud to have this one as 3OP001, and are quite excited for what's coming soon!
  3. Just had a chance to listen to Computer Series: this is a seriously excellent release. Love it!
  4. Yeah, and I think our approach to the writing and swapping of the files was enhanced this time around. Thanks for the kind words everyone ?
  5. Available now: https://corealter.bandcamp.com/album/m-realizable
  6. Awesome. Saw Gary here in San Diego a few years back in support of Savage, was great.
  7. Excellent sounds and fun patterns! Jux and iter both look interesting, not tried either. Is it straightforward to use jux with synthesis rather than samples?
  8. Yeah! I started messing with tidal just a couple of months ago now. I like it's immediacy for sequencing compared to Max. I'm still learning and this code is probably garbage lol. This man is clearly in pain lol Thank you! That is one thing I consciously make an effort for, variation anchored to regularity.
  9. //Reaper work, built off the above //Microtonic, Razor //for Mictronic: c5 in tidal is equal to c3 in Utonic //c5 kick, b4 snare, e5 hat //cc1 = snare noise filter Hz //cc2 = kick pitch hush d1 $ stack [ n "c5 c5 ~ ~" # midichan 4, n "b4" #midichan 4, n (sometimes(fast 2)"[e5 e5 e5 e5]*3") #midichan 4, ccv "80 90 70 60 80" # ccn 1 # midichan 4, ccv "27 25 23 27 23" # ccn 2 # midichan 4, n "[e4 e3]*0.25" # midichan 6 ] # s "midi" d1 $ stack [ n "c5 ~ ~ c5? c5? c5" # midichan 4, n "b4" #midichan 4, n "[e5 e5 e5 e5]" #midichan 4, ccv "80 90 70 60 80" # ccn 1 # midichan 4, ccv "27 25 23 27 23" # ccn 2 # midichan 4, n "[e4 e5, {d7 b5 b5} ~ ~ ~ ]*0.25" # midichan 6 ] # s "midi" d1 $ stack [ n "c5 {~ ~ ~, b4 c5 c5}*3?" # midichan 4, n "b4" #midichan 4, n "[e5 e5 e5? e5?]*4.5" #midichan 4, ccv "60 65 65 60 70" # ccn 1 # midichan 4, cat [n "[e4 e4 e4 {~ ~ ~, e4}]*1.5", n "g4"] # midichan 6 ] # s "midi" d1 $ stack [ n (rarely (slow 3)"c5 {~ ~ ~, b4 c5 c5}*3?") # midichan 4, n "b4" #midichan 4, n "[e5 e5 e5? e5?]" #midichan 4, ccv "60 65 65 60 70" # ccn 1 # midichan 4, cat [n (rarely (slow 1.25)"[e4 e4 e4 {~ ~ ~, e4}]*1.5"), n "g4 g5 {b4 b5 d5}"] # midichan 6 ] # s "midi" d1 $ stack [ n "[c5 c5 c5, c5 ~] ~?*3" # midichan 4, n "b4" #midichan 4, n "[e5 e5, [e5 e5 e5]?]*1.5" #midichan 4, ccv "60 65 65 60 70" # ccn 1 # midichan 4, cat [n (rarely (fast 1.5)"[~ ~ ~ e4 e5 e5 {~ ~ ~, e6}]*0.5"), n "c6 c5 d5"] # midichan 6 ] # s "midi" d1 $ stack [ n (rarely (fast 7)"[c5 ~ c5, [c5 ~ ~]*1.5]") # midichan 4, n "b4" #midichan 4, n "[e5 e5, [e5 e5 e5]?]*3.5" #midichan 4, ccv "70 73 76 83" # ccn 1 # midichan 4, cat [n (often (slow 7)"[~ ~ ~ e4 e5 e5 {~ ~ ~, e6}]*0.5"), n "c6 c5 d5"] # midichan 6 ] # s "midi" d1 $ stack [ cat [n (rarely (fast 7)"[c5 ~ c5, [c5 ~ ~]*1.5]"), n "c5 c5 c5 c5?"] # midichan 4, n "b4" #midichan 4, n "~ b4?" #midichan 4, n "[e5 e5, [e5 e5 e5]?]*3.5" #midichan 4, ccv "70 73 76 83" # ccn 1 # midichan 4, ccv "27 25 31 27 29" # ccn 2 # midichan 4, cat [n (often (slow 7)"[~ ~ ~ e4 e5 e5 {~ ~ ~, e6}]*0.5"), n "c6 c5 d5"] # midichan 6 ] # s "midi" clutchIn 1 3 $ stack [ n "c5 {~ ~ ~, b4 c5 e5}*3?" # midichan 4, n "b4" #midichan 4, n (sometimes (fast 1.5) "d5 d6") #midichan 6, n (rarely (fast 1.5) "e4*1.5") # midichan 6, cat [n "{~ ~ ~, e4*2? [a4 c5?]? b4?}?", n "c5 c5 c5"] # midichan 6 ] # s "midi"
  10. A jam-wip for a stale thread.
  11. Love it. Especially like Track 1; it's like Treanor meets Multistability & Atavism
  12. Hugh in starvation mode after fasting for 3 weeks.
  13. Really appreciate being able to attend that, and +1 to @dr lopez for a well-spoken tribute.
  14. This is really strong; I enjoyed every track on here and it's definitely going to get repeat listens Reagent in particular though, what a lush song, has those atmospheric synth washes that I love. The last few minutes are just maximal Could be my favorite t s r o n o release, which is a big deal
  15. Very nice, I believe it. Slightly off topic, but I've been listening to Dreams Are Not Enough a lot lately. It's on the pop side but resonates with me.
  16. I have to admin I'm behind on the Rook archive series as well. Dive-in imminent.
  17. Goddamn. I finally paired my monitors (80 hz floor lol) with a sub. SHV absolutely envelops. Definitely one of my top Elseq tracks.
  18. 1. Local files: Winamp, VLC, or flash drive into car & home stereo receiver. 2. Bandcamp 3. SoundCloud 4. Pandora 5. Vinyl/CD 6. Youtube 7. Cassette (Don't have a working player right now) I try to listen to local files as much as possible when I'm at home, but lately I have been just streaming albums from Bandcamp out of laziness. I use SoundCloud to share and listen to private tracks and WIPs a lot, and I occasionally listen to stuff in my feed. With Pandora, I use it mainly because my cousin added me to a family plan with no ads; it functions the most like radio for me, like for when I want to "throw on Skinny Puppy" for my wife. Not a fan of the streaming royalty paradigm though so I try to minimize usage. In my car I have a 32GB flash drive with mp3s, and a few CDs. I have small(ish) cassette and vinyl collections as well....I was doing vinyl/cassette nights with a small group of friends a few years back, I miss that. I will never use Spotify Also, false
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