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Everything posted by Extralife

  1. This is worth another listen, ladies and gents. Very good (overlooked) album. Hoping they have something new coming soon.
  2. Amber is the best. All others great though.
  3. Autechre: 5 Clark: 4 Tycho: 3 Kidz Bopp Volumes 1 to infinity: 2 Aphex Twin: 1
  4. Stupid question: is there any way to get Studio Sessions in a higher quality than the 128 Soulseek editions?
  5. It’s one of the best tracks on this release. Still blasting it in my car. Also really enjoyed Ameratsu. Thanks, man!
  6. Steve Rutter saying that it is literally one of the best electronic albums he has ever heard: FS024 Morphology - Horta Proxima [Vinyl/CD/Digital]What can I say about this, we have been working away on this for a while now and it got delayed with one thing and another but I am Proud to say …. Its day is here …… In my opinion this is one of, if not the the finest electronic albums I have ever heard …..I am somewhat blown away that Morphology continue to work with me, have trust I shall do the right thing and deliver something with meaning. Thats been done.Mass Roman has produced and incredible piece of artwork and listened intently to what was said to visualise this beauty perfectly. David Watson once again looking after the layout text and design work.
  7. Totally agreed. Great “album” up there with their best recent material.
  8. Yeah I cringed at the price on this cd....but this is Morphology.
  9. https://edmsoundwave.bandcamp.com/album/edm-n?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=edmsoundwave album edm-n&utm_source=album_release&utm_content=fanpub_fb LA. Alternative Soundtrack to one of my favourite films of the 80's Uncompromising, Pacy, Gritty, beautiful, and with one of the greatest twists near the end that left a lot of people cold. And one of the best car chases put to film! Billy smashed it with this one.
  10. Cascade 2020 is vey good. A bit darker than the original ep, but lots of sounds harking back to 1993. I love how FSOL continues to create branches on their own family tree. So exciting to travel with them.
  11. Snagged these despite the lagging website. Early morning listening sorted...
  12. Yeah I’ve actually been refreshing the FSOLdigital page over the last couple days.
  13. From that soundcloud link: In 2018 Morphology released their third album, debuting on FireScope with Traveller. The sci-fi inspired ten tracker was an immediate success. It also marked a subtle evolution in the sound of the Finnish pioneers of Michael Diekmann and Matti Turunen. Compositions became more complex, melodies more refined. 2020 sees that transformation continue with the pair returning to FireScope for a brand new album: Horta Proxima. This twelve track album, recorded between 2018 and 2019, sees the electronic partnership continue to further hone their audio craft. The otherworldly is ever present, in the liquid harmonies and sliding synths of “Photospehere” and the shapeshifting brightness of “Aphelion.” Countering these aural journeys into the beyond is a balance, the pulsing keys and crunched beats of “Rustbelt” and the fluid warmth of “Downlink” tethering the narrative to the here and now of terra firma. A central tenet of Horta Proxima is possibility, the possibilities of a technological future expressed through cables, filters, oscillations and permutations. Morphology have delved deeper into the potential of their machines, resurfacing with a wondrous wealth of musical works. From the chopped percussion of “Parsec” to the spirited playfulness of “Triangulum”, new advances and avenues have been explored by the duo. Despite the future gazing focus, the carnal persists. “Shadows from the Past” bares its teeth, rumbling drums chase sailing notes and acid spectres. And within this range, what the listener leaves with is an irrefutable sense of awe. The understated grandeur of “Luminous Entity”, the sensuous stratification of “Multiplex”, the reduced radiance of “Horta Proxima”, only go to further exemplify the respect and reverence this album deserves. Horta Proxima is firmly set in the Morphology canon. The collection is undeniably daring. Diekmann and Turunen have continued their musical journey from Traveller, pushing their sound further, developing their technique and delivering sheer quality. A beautifully crafted album that broadens themes and horizons, a musical milestone, a triumph.
  14. You beat me to it. Peak electro this Friday. Pumped.
  15. Yeah his music is amazing. And Timesig releases nothing but gold. Instabuy.
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