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Everything posted by cochorno

  1. How do you do fellow kids? Check this gem, now for sale, an instant glitch IDM MaxforLive patch: https://youtu.be/lRrAfCC4h2U https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg1xeaAuMQg/ At: https://nnirror.gumroad.com/l/drummatrix
  2. Thank you all for the feedback, I see your point. I don't know I think I like all on the patch but you're right... Is too much hassle, I'm gonna select my favorite and build a M4L just for that
  3. I KNOW THIS MIGHT BE NOT THE RIGHT PLACE... BUT YOU GUY DON'T HAVE A PLACE FOR IT I guess a lot of you are familiar with the music of the talented Nnirror. He uploaded a couple of years ago a great patch for MAX, and I've been trying to "convert" that patch into a max for Live instrument, but I hardly can understand the process, unfortunately, my lack of knowledge in the program is my failure. This patch is awesome, I want to use it in my DAW, so I was thinking if maybe one of the members on this blog has the ability to convert this, I would be more than grateful to receive such a gift. I'm going to leave links to the patch in GitHub and a video of the patch running, from the artist himself, explaining the patch. https://github.com/mjcella/nnirror
  4. Totally, not everyday you have Hugo Boss working for your wore drove.
  5. I had a trio with my ex girlfriend and her cousin. Is that controversial? Check this album - 14 Bazucasos Bailables Vol. 666
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