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Posts posted by kokoon

  1. so is a Juno 60 better or worse in your opinion?

    they're supposed to sound the same, but:


    junos 60 and 6 are generally considered to sound better than the 106 but don't have midi. AFAIK the 60 does has the DBC bus that can be used to control the synth via midi using an adapter. otherwise 60 is the same as 6 but with more patch storage.


    and then there's the VCA chip failing problem on the 106... 6/60 have discrete VCAs IIRC so they don't have that problem.


    ... and 6/60 have wooden sides :D


    so, of all 3, i'd say go for 60 if you have chance.

  2. nah come on, that's nothing special, i'm sure there are other watmmers with a midibox sid. besides, there are surely youtube clips with it already. i'll make a video clip with the BBD reverb though. i'll probably get an enclosure for it today and i'm still pondering whether i should make the feedback tap fixed or switchable (6 selections, 396 - 3328)


    hmm... thinking about it... i'll make a new thread about that, i'm interested in what you guys think about it.

  3. yeah it's a fantasticly crappy sounding reverb :D - it almost kinda sounds like a (spring) reverb! actually it's a 6-tapped analogue (bbd) delay so it can be many things - from a really fat chorus, echo, reverb to flanger, phaser...


    i'll post some samples!

  4. i took a few pics too. i didn't want to show the *entire room* cause it's just too messy :D



    the mess ;)



    elka + 505



    a bbd reverb i'm currently putting together



    a killer crown eq i picked up second-hand really cheap






    my "rack" :shuriken:




    my MidiBox SID (in the works since 2005 :rolleyes: )


  5. 2jcdls4.jpg

    Ensoniq ESQ-1


    This is my Latest Purchase, i brought this off edmx for £50 and its well worth it, the synth its self is built like a tank and has some pretty cool features, like a 1,000 note sequencer, 3 lfo's 4 envelopes and a vast ammount if editing faculties.. so you can get some crazy sounds from it, makign sounds is pretty easy and there is a compare button which flicks between the original sound and the sound your currantly making.. the only thing wrong with it is there is the high C key is missing (ie inside the machine) and the battery is dead which is only the memory which is effected, so everytime i start it up i have to load sound into it's tape in (though you can store any info on a computer easy enough) all in all i needed a workhorse poly synth and this has proven to be just what i was looking for! well lush.


    Hey Chris Moss Acid,


    Have you used your Ensoniq on a track yet?


    Replaced the battery yet? Just need s screwdriver and a soldering iron and a 3 quid lithium battery. All good.


    Just wondering if it has an analogue trigger in for its sequencer or arpreggiator? My Poly61 has that and it's fun shit. You finger a chord and it steps through the notes in time with the trigger out from the 606.

    my polysix also has one but i hate it cause it's an "S-trig" - it triggers when grounded :dizzy:

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