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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by T3551ER

  1. Brief(ish) update from inside a Hospital system here on the East Coast. On a call this AM and there is an significant uptick in both positivity (up above 10% since .. I don't even remember) and hospitalizations. 92% of cases hospitalized are unvaccinated, which suggests, you know, getting the vaccine helps you not end up on a fucking vent. Delta variant is starting to comprise a larger share of positive cases (growing exponentially week over week). 

    The hospital system is floating (essentially preparing) to mandate vaccinations for employees. That is... not going over well. The call this AM was one of the "Town Hall" calls open to anyone and.. ugh. On one hand, I totally get the hesitancy to submit to mandatory injection of a product that has limited testing - on the other hand, some of the crap that popped up in the Chat/Q&A was the sort of thing I'd expect to see on a QANON Facebook page. I mean, just crazy stats/ideas being thrown around w/ highly politically dogma thrown in to boot. 

    I should clarify that this is a system in a rural, very red, very pro-Trump area. 

    Whole thing was/is pretty depressing. 

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Soloman Tump said:

    Ok just realised this is on Netflix UK now, so im gonna watch it tonight.  I watched the trailler, so im primed for a Candyman reboot but judging by many comments it should be something much different.

    Yeah, will be curious to see what you think afterwards. It's not perfect by any means but... yeah, not going to say any more, but def would be interested in your thoughts after you watch. 

    @usagiread your comments, totally get why you might not like this one. I think part of it's how much you buy into the film as a whole - it's a pretty slow burn and if you aren't on board by halfway it's probably not going to win you over by the end. 

    Also, yeah, Pig so on the radar. 

    Also, also REALLY want to see the Green Knight. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. ^ Yeah, so funny, Session 9 was the first thing I thought of after I got done. Also haven't seen that one in ages, and it's not even like the plots are anywhere alike ... guess it's something about the feel of the movie. 

    BTW, the graphic novel it's based on is out there on the internet - doesn't necessarily add to the movie (if anything, I actually think the movie adds to the graphic novel, which is unusual) but entertaining/interesting way to kill an hour .. 

    • Like 1
  4. Watched The Empty Man last night (not to be confused with the Hollow Man or the Invisible Man). Totally worth a gander if you're into horror (it's on HBO Max if you have it), in a lot of ways kind of a spiritual brother to Jacob's Ladder. It's not omg best horror movie ever, but well directed, well acted, with some twists and turns that legitimately threw me - including the ending which is more ambiguous than it appears on first glance. DO NOT read anything about before you watch it - I happened upon it as a recommend that explicitly said go in knowing as little as possible, and totally agree. 


    If anyone watches this, I'd love to hear their take. I read an interview with the director where he said there are actually 3 different interpretations you could argue about the end, and that he sprinkled breadcrumbs for all 3 throughout the movie. 


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  5. 20 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

    Elysium grew on me after a while, the epic scale was great, it’s just an example of the studio giving the director way more money than he needed to tell his story, and it got bloated. 

    Yeah, I'm willing to give it another try - I pretty much have loved everything else he's done (Chappie is way better than people give it credit for IMO) and the Oats Studio stuff was fantastic, even if it was just a lot of proof-of-concept things. Also stoked about the District 10 news, would be REALLY interested to see him revisit that world...

  6. 21 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

    new Blomkamp incoming

    he’s also finally working on the script for District 10:



    I'm so ready for this. When I heard he was doing a indie horror flick I was super excited, trailer has me extra pumped. Watching this makes me wish they had given him that Alien movie to make, it would have been bonkers good (tho I'm a pretty big Blomkamp apologist w/ exception of Elysium) 

  7. Loki season finale. Fantastic. I feel like it's getting a fair amount of hate in the press for serving a setup for the rest of the Marvel Phase IV stuff instead of being a definitive season end but I totally disagree. Given that there is a promised S2 it's a perfect, cliffhanger episode that still brings main narrative themes, character arcs, and plots to a natural feeling conclusion, while setting up where things go next. 

    It's also incredibly exciting (to me) to see the caliber of thing that Marvel is pushing forward with this - this was an incredibly well acted, nuanced, fascinating series that entertained but still managed to be contemplative about its characters, had bombast but also felt incredibly personal. It's also an argument for why a tight six hours is a better format than a feature film - it allows room for development and a story to breathe, while also remaining taut. 

    In a way, it feels like what Feige is (amazingly) doing is providing the sort of depth, interweaving, and coherence that existed in the comics for a long time into the medium of film/tv - something that seems like it'd be easy but is as much an art as anything. The ending frankly makes me super excited for all the "next things" - it's got that "oh, crap, now I need to buy the spider man comics 'cause I just gotta know how that's all going to fit in" sort of feeling I've not felt outside of the comic genre. 



    Jonathan Majors... damn man. I mean. damn. Dude crushed it. A dialogue heavy episode could have been an utter bore in the wrong person's hands but I was hanging on every word. And I still can't tell for sure what his endgame is. Utterly unnerving, and if this is a "benevolent" variant of Kang/Immortus/whathave you then I can't wait to see what he does with the eventual "real" Kang we'll end up meeting (or his numerous variants). Hot shit. 


  8. I was thinking about this was fixing my hair the other day (something I'm relatively new to, and often struggle with):

    So, Vampires. The way they are presented is these uber-hot, perfect coiffed, not a stitch out of place, stepped out of a Vogue photoshoot uber hotties. What I want to know is, how TF they able to look like that when they can't see themselves in the fucking mirror? I mean, do you have to turn someone who you can rely on to be your perfect style buddy? Seems that would come along with its own pitfalls (like, what if they don't like your style? You have no idea what they're doing to your face/hair. What if they are really pissed you made them into an undead corpse and end up making you up like John Wayne Gacey all the time?) 

    Probably not such a big deal with smartphones these days, but then you have to wonder if the same rules of mirrors apply to selfies. ..

  9. 23 minutes ago, Nebraska said:

    that's why concerned "innocent" people have already started working on AI lawyers to circumvent this intrusion to privacy

    Thnx for the link that's... I don't know. Fascinating? Disturbing? We had a similar presentation provided by the folks at IBM a couple of years back w/ the aim of using AI to parse information in the medical record to increase efficiency/predict patterns/etc. .. ..same ideas, just overlaid onto different datasets. .. 

    I hope someday there will be an AI that will create IDM for me that will be distributed to a demographic determined by an AI that ends up being a bunch of AI bots having a rave inside a computer. Also: 



    • Farnsworth 1
  10. ^ looks interesting. I googled it and then read the first 1/8th of this article that's behind a stupid paywall but the first few paragraphs raise an interesting question which is: what if the same technology was applied retrospectively to things like videos of court testimony (or, I suppose, even prospectively). Seems totally unlikely in the near term... but in the long term? Who knows, we've got fucking Amazon AI firing contract workers at will ....

    Back OT: Loki. GD I'm loving it. Thought Ep 3 was a bit of a let down but 4+5 have been nonstop awesome, and suspect on rewatch 3 just provides a nice, contemplative, character building bridge for the rest of the whole. Also really enjoying the week to week suspense - usually avoid that shit like the plague but it's been fantastic fun. If they stick the landing, this may end up taking up the next to top spot in favorite Marvel things ever (#1 goes to Legion, forever and always)

    • Like 2
  11. Harley Quinn (animated TV series on HBO Max) - Just finished binging the first two seasons. It's fucking great. By turns hilarious and heartbreaking and inspiring - a passing familiarity with the tropes of DC Comics helps deepen the enjoyment, but not necessary by any means. Very adult (in all ways - language, gore, etc. but also in themes). A great show about broken people trying to find their place in the world, viewed through the lens of Adult Swim-style humor. A+

    • Like 1
  12. Yeah, full confession: even though I've watched a few of his vids, I legit had no idea he was the Flashbulb. Similarly, only have a few of his tracks that I've heard/listened too - all very enjoyable, clearly musically competent, good stuff, but never really dug too much further in (for a lot of reasons in this and the other related thread - partly it's just volume of music to sift through). 

    Definitely appreciate his perspective - as not a professional musician/hobbyist who has a family now it's nice to see/hear someone's perspective who's now had decades worth of experiencing doing it as a pro. .. with all the pros/cons that brings. Oh, also his comment about reaching the point of not giving AF and how that can re-invigorate creativity - seems on point even if you aren't a pro musician... 

    • Like 1
  13. Sold my Octatrack last year to pay for a Push + Ableton. I don't really regret it, because Ableton/Push totally has been a godsend when it comes to workflow. Also, after really digging in, think the Octa really shines when connected to multiple other gear, which I don't have (yet). 

    However, I kinda regret it, because there are just certain things it does so well that is hard to replicate otherwise (parameter locking, morphing slider, conditionals, probabilities, etc.). Plus, think there is something really good about working within the confines of a single piece of kit, particularly one that has such an esoteric workflow. And clicky keys. mmm. miss them things. 

  14. In descending order of awesomd to lame:

    First two conjuring movies (main movies) are pretty great. At the end of the day, still going to be a Hollywood affair, but the direction and the acting/character building is pretty top notch. 

    The second Annabelle movie (creation) also pretty good (and way better than the first).

    The Annabelle Comes Home brings back in the characters from the main series of films and also pretty good. 

    Feels like diminishing returns from there. The Nun has some nice bits but kind of falls flat, first Annabelle movie is pretty lame. La Lorna was very meh. 

    My 2 cents

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  15. IKR! Looks dope (and very From Software meets JRR Martin). 

    Picked up Persona 5 a few days ago after seeing people rave about it on here. Given that I'm only like 1hr into a 100 hr game it's hard to say a GD thing about it. I will say, I've been on an anime nostalgia kick and suspect this may scratch that itch in a weird way. 

    • Like 2
  16. ^ what he said 

    Rubin is right about continuity of MCU films but I can't recommend Guardian's of the Galaxy highly enough. It functions (or can function) completely on its own, and is probably one of my fave films of the last 10 years. It's just an excellent, hilarious, sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes heartmendingly beautiful amazing flick. My wife and I watch at least once a year every year. 

    FYI - don't put it on and go in the other room and make some popcorn or something and come back - there's a specific tonal shift in the first 5 mins or so that is so well carried off I can't stand the thought of someone missing it when they watch it for the first time. 

    • Like 1
  17. ^ That's pretty awesome (the auto upgrade). Feel like lots of folks would just eff you in the A and insist you buy the upgrade. 

    Caveat -   I watched this Irish horror flick because of an article that called it something like "David Lynch meets Saw." I've never actually watched SAW all the way through so can't comment on that. What I will say is, for a low budget indie horror flick, this thing delivers way harder than I expected. Excellent use of sound and tension throughout, definitely some Lynch vibes all around.

    Caveats (haha):

    • Highly recommend watching this thing with headphones on, so much of the tension is in the excellent soundtrack/sound work.
    • Don't go in expecting production values of like a Hereditary or a It Follows or any of the A24. It's clearly low budget but totally understands its limits. 
    • Watch it all in one sitting (I had to break it up over 2 days because life but kind of wish I'd just powered through - it's a tight hour and a half so not long)
    • It's only available on Shudder but I'm sure enterprising internet people will be able to find it otherwheres



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