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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by T3551ER

  1. 3 hours ago, StephenG said:

    The fact that it has full on amenry almost throughout should be a good sign it's archive material. 

    He has said in a few interviews that he wouldn't be returning to that sound, no? Unless he had a sudden change of heart.

    Yeah, that's why I think it's prob a mix of older material but fed through his new(er) sound mangling software? He does seem to break out the acid/DNB goodness for the Warp festivities (IIRC Warp 20 stuff was similarly "old school" pusher even tho his subsequent album output was nothing like it)

    Either way ?:music:

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Extralife said:

    Sounds Venus no 17-esque to me, but either way I’m pumped for a release of this stuff. 


    It has also also inspired me to start up a Squarepusher binge — I haven’t really listened to any of his stuff since Damogen came out. Forgot how much I love Music is Rotted...

    Yeah, I think (possibly) some of the original melodies/breaks from the Venus 17/Breezeblock era but fed through his V4 (or whatever) system. . . actually get a real "Breezeblock" feel from all this stuff (insofar as it a)sounds like OG []< mental fuckery and b)has me more hyped for Squarepusher than I have been in ages)

    • Like 1
  3. Nah - very little in the way of any OG characters other than Danny, with the exception of a single scene with 



    Jack Torrance appearing as a Force Ghost


    You think I'm joking but I'm not 


    Yeah, I mean, why wouldn't you reference a Kubrick film if you could. . . and the film could totally diverge from the written word too (so who knows!)

  4. Thnx for posting Rubin. Yeah, I don't know. Really loved the book, but not sure how well it would translate into a movie - could see McGregor doing a great job but fear the source material (even if updated for film) won't result in a good movie. 

    Though, nice to see Stephen King getting a bit of a Renaissance in cinema (IT, Pet Sematary, etc.) . . maybe will actually get a good Dark Tower series someday (nice dream)

  5. 17 hours ago, Stickfigger said:

    I revisited love death and robots last night and watched a few eps at random. I enjoyed it. Had very low expectations going in compared to the first time around and this did help things along a bit

    Yeah, started watching this randomly a couple of weeks ago (good w/ busy life to have episodes that are only 17 mins long at max or whatever) . . . *shrugs* seems pretty enjoyable. Interesting blend of animation styles w/ short little sci-fi vignettes. Lot of these could be little snippets from episodes of something larger (that I might not watch but are great in small doses). Don't get the hate. 

    3 hours ago, lickneonlights said:

    Quite liked new Black Mirror. Don't understand all the negative comments I see... I mean, surely this season is not so dystopian and maybe it's not a welcome change of tone for some, but all 3 episodes were interesting to watch and enjoyable. Good bits of humour as well. 

    Same thing here - I . . . don't get the hate? Show is experimenting with diff things and changing it up in some places. . . Striking Vipers in particular felt was an interesting examination of gender identities/effect of tech on how we view these sorts of things. Dunno - if there had been 0 prior seasons of Black Mirror people would be shitting themselves over it, maybe just suffering under weight of its own expectations. . . 

  6. 32 minutes ago, marf said:

    any older fucks like me remember the going "postal thing"? That was it. No other mass shootings. Now, it's someone going postal everywhere BUT the post office everyday

    lol . . . I mean, I shouldn't lol, because this is a sad comment on the state of affairs in the world today but fuck it if you don't laugh . . . 

    Stephen - holy crap! So glad that you came away from the experience with a positive mental shift (some people swing the other way). Truly hoping for a speedy recovery and good news on the medical front!!!

  7. On 6/2/2019 at 5:49 AM, beer badger said:

    I was down the pub the other day, and for some reason mentioned I had never seen Road House which was met with howls of disbelief. So I watched that last night. Top notch, hugely absurd, OTT entertainment. They don't make them like that any more!



  8. This thread reminded me about FLCL. . . did anyone end up watching the new series(es)? I read up a little and it sounds like "progression" was kind of crap but "alternative" might have been in keeping w/ OG series? 

    Regardless, made me start a rewatch of the first one last night so thanks WATMM . . . nostalgia like a mofo' . . .


  9. 21 minutes ago, beer badger said:

    I can see the boxset on the end of my shelf, it bugs me that I never finished it. Just need to knuckle down and get it done. I'm pretty sure I will.

    At the risk of saying the opposite of something controversial in a "post something controversial thread": it's also possible it's not for you? Obs I love it, but it has it's own particular vibe, and not everyone vibrates on the same wavelength (well, except for me and Tim J ?). Seems hard to recommend something that someone feels like they need to "push through" ya know? Should be fun not painful. . .

    Though, if you DID want to push through, here's my recommended approach: Set aside a couple of weekends, an 1/8th, lock yourself in a dark room, and blaze through. This is particularly helpful (IMOP) in Season 2 b/c binging it all at once helps even out some of "searching" the show seems to do in the latter half after a particular mid-season reveal I won't mention here. Plus, it puts you in the right head state for the last episode which is so wonderfully WEIRD and Lynch that being a little liminal probably doesn't hurt. 

    If you make it that far, come back and we'll talk about how to approach Season 3 ?



    10 minutes ago, beer badger said:

    (somehow) I watched about a dozen episodes, then I realised I go to sleep every night and have spaced out dreams which is the equivalent of watching Twin Peaks

    if you dream hard, I can't see the point of watching it, in fact my dreams are better tbh

    I guess I should finish it off, too many people I like and respect seem to love it. A bit like Syro lol.

    Twin Peaks S1+S2 were groundbreaking for their time, but can see how in the modern era they can seem pretty tame. Hard to understate how many doors the show opened up for shows that came down the line. . . Also worth noting that Lynch's influence waned throughout Season 2 past a particular point, so you may not find it as "good" moving through (though the last episode sort of makes up for, well, everything). 

    Season 3 is a different matter altogether, and is, essentially, Lynch's magnum opus. It collates everything he has done before (in all mediums) and adds to it. Pretty much obliterates the existing conventions of TV. If you don't like Lynch, you will absolutely hate Season 3. If you love Lynch, it's nothing less than a fucking masterpiece.   

    • Like 1
  11. 22 hours ago, Brian Dance said:

    Anyone used Redux much?

    I used to enjoy writing percussive parts in Renoise but pretty much stopped because Rewire is a slight faff.

    Can you write long complex parts in Redux and use all the same pattern commands + fx?

    Yes, w/ caveats. IIRC, Redux is basically the "phrase" element of Renoise - i.e., you write patterns like you would in renoise (w/ effects, etc.) up to a certain length, and then those patterns are triggered by your midi keyboard/what have you and play through. Believe there is a demo version you can try . . . I've had mixed luck w/ Rewire and Renoise myself. . .personally, only thing I really wish Renoise did better was handling the recording/management of long samples (otherwise I would never really step outside the environment). 

    51 minutes ago, MadellisTheSixth said:

    tossing up between buying Renoise or getting a yearly sub to Max 8.. I love the workflow in Renoise. Does anybody use it with a laptop (w/o numpad)?

    Yep (tho tbh the lack of numpad usage may be b/c I never trained myself to use the relevant shortcuts). . . still, feel like Renoise is sort of built to be able to be used on the go: minimum CPU footprint, built around keyboard shortcuts, etc. . . 

    1 hour ago, Consul said:

    Ooops, never mind. I apparently tried to do some mixing etc. on an older track of mine, the breaks were more louder than they originally are, so I thought there was something with Renoise. Well... problem solved!


    • Like 1
  12. 41 minutes ago, diatoms said:

    Congratulations T3551ER!!!

    Brings back Memories

    : )

    Xie Xie!

    I rarely smile, this was one time it was impossible not to. 


    39 minutes ago, xox said:

    ^ What?! The child is yours?

    lol not sure if you are asking if this the child of mine or the unholy union of diatoms and myself. The answer to one of these questions is yes ? hint: I have never been to Ireland.


  13. 22 minutes ago, chronical said:

    had to put this cutie down last year. miss you, malinko! 

    Screenshot 2019-05-21 at 16.45.21.png

    sorry for your loss :sad:

    That is a fantastic pic though - glad you were able to capture something so beautiful to remember him (her?) by :flower:

  14. 5 minutes ago, Entorwellian said:

    Three things I can think of:

    1. You'd have to have both programs and then use something like ReWire to use one to control parts of the other, or vice versa. This is the sanest option.

    2. You could also export everything out as midi and wav data separately when you transfer one to the other, but that is both time consuming and prone to many errors. I don't recommend doing this option, but its the most straight forward one.

    3. Both of you could use ableton and then pick up Redux, which is the vst plugin version of Renoise. This is the most expensive option.


    Whatever the case, you can't save a renoise file as an ableton file, and can't save albeton as a renoise file.

    Think entorwellian covered it.

    If you go for #2 might check out the tool here: https://www.renoise.com/tools/midi-convert

    Good luck!

  15. 8 hours ago, darreichungsform said:

    The wrong placement of the apostrophe is bugging me far more than it should.

    Fixed. As an English guy, I totally understand.  


    5 hours ago, plugexpert said:

    `Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.`

    Perhaps not what you`re looking for. I know some people with alternate views, including myself. 

    Hell yes! Been playing around with aftas loop tool lately,  mucho potential. The instruments editor modulation section would be a great candidate for it. I wouldn`t mind a crude implementation where you can use pattern commands to specify marker positions, set loop mode (normal, backwards,  pingpong).

    2nd'd (all of this, but particularly the ability to use pattern commands to mess w/ these parameters).  

    • Like 1
  16. Thnx to cear for that awesome list of tools - have added to the first post. Would second the CDP interface. . . you could lose a lifetime in there. 

    4 hours ago, bendish said:

    I'd like a tool - lets call it 'Autosink' that I can place on a track and it records (on play) all automation that I commit to a vst...with latch, touch mode etc

    Does it exist?

    Randomize is an awesome tool


    I. . . think this may be possible using an "instrument automation" insert on a track, and then changing the recording of input to graphical (as outlined in my post above). IIRC, the reason to do this would be to allow you to make tweaks on multiple parameters at the same (otherwise, you are somewhat limited to one effect lane at time). 

    If you already had mapped CC to your instrument, you may not even need to do the instrument automation insert. This method does NOT have latch mode, etc., but might get you halfway there.

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