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Everything posted by Strophlex

  1. Strophlex


    Glad it wasn't just me, I was really bummed and didn't enjoy the set that night. My friend who is more of a fair weather fan left 20 mins in. Hearing a seemingly completely different set on headphones, much more enjoyable to hear it as intended. The show at brooklyn masonic was my first ae live, and I was proper pumped the whole set. Maybe the sound wasnt perfect, but compared to most/all other concerts, i was blown away by just what they were playing. I was more bothered by the bright-ass exit signs which dont allow for darkness vibe, but you can blame that on US building codes. In Stockholm the crew covered the exit signs so the show was really dark.
  2. I have started listening too and some tracks really reveal details and depth. Bqbqbq has been the only track I didnt like but listening on the vinyls it sounds like a different track. Much more enjoyable! Before I have only listened through headphones. I agree it is a really good mastering and pressing!
  3. 18 = 1-8. 8 hrs. 8 CDs. I think the sticker was made primarily for the CD edition.It was not. I got vinyls and got the same sticker. It is cd size though. primarily prʌɪm(ə)rɪli,prʌɪˈmɛrɪli adverb for the most part; mainly. Sorry, read too fast. The eyes skipped a word. You are pobobly right but I think the sticker would make more sense with the text AE14.
  4. 18 = 1-8. 8 hrs. 8 CDs. I think the sticker was made primarily for the CD edition. It was not. I got vinyls and got the same sticker. It is cd size though.
  5. Whats up with the sticker? AE18. Am I missing something or can we expect four more sessions? It’s the year 2018 but nah...
  6. How is the pressing and mastering of the vinyls? Is the side flipping parts of shimripl casual and all end clever or just fade out / fade in?
  7. Good review of mentioned song and its sublime qualities!
  8. I dont care about first time listening situation regarding new ae because they allways grow with repeated listening. I am confident the first listen will not be the best experience. It is a bit special with the NTS broadcasts though as it is such an event.
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