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Everything posted by milkface

  1. Corbyn should've won in 2019.
  2. My burial-obsessed friend sent this to me in a record time of 7 minutes after its release, needless to say it's amazing as usual. +1 - I love burial ambient but beats are also severely needed.
  3. We're now 5th - 4 points above W*tford. Life is good.
  4. Definitely music has the right to children for me.
  5. Making fun of people with mental health issues is easy and normalised. I see it very often on this forum in fact.
  6. I remember seeing this comment on the video - surely you don't get royalties if it's off a soundbank CD right?
  7. No longer able to go to the show because of some last minute stuff ?
  8. My main problem with the S was the fact that it was digital only and how tiny 500GB storage is for a download only console. Didn't realise how much of a scam digital only was until I had bought the console which shows my stupidity. Loads of my friends also got Series X/S in the last few months so I'll finally have people to play with which is also gonna be great!
  9. Luton are still shit. 2-2 against Coventry City leaves us in 18th out of 24.
  10. Having to get something redelivered for the THIRD time because postmen are incapable of knocking louder than 0.000001db
  11. Thanks for taking the time I appreciate it!
  12. I've looked and there's nowhere to upload a banner image - unless I have the wrong subscription or I'm blind.
  13. Prince Andrew too - she paid for his legal fees I believe
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