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Everything posted by zero

  1. agreed, but easier said than done man. there are too many safeguards in place to prevent any real societal change from ever happening on the scale we're talking about. and of course the elephant is the room is the number of people that would end up as casualties if any massive shift in societal/political conditions were ever to occur quickly, in an attempt to get away from the capitalist model currently in place. historically humans have not been very good at changing any status quo without a whole bunch of people getting killed. baby steps are what they take toward change efforts, because those don't result in people dying en masse. I know you've got a game plan worked up as to how this all would play out, but I can't see a shift away from capitalism happening any time soon, unless its a rebuild after a mass extinction event.
  2. I keep wondering when are all these arrogant, white, male, old, chauvinistic, racist, discriminatory, misogynistic, completely out of touch politicians going to die off, so the rest of us can have a world we can stand? or do "we" all turn into these disgusting pigs at some point, if given the power? isn't that what Orwell warned against famously in Animal Farm? how can we stop letting assholes run the show, is I guess my point...
  3. can only speak for myself, I don't really have anything against him per se. but I mean c'mon, he's unfortunately become a caricature at this point, hard to take him seriously on anything. I don't think most people look at him as being a hero bringing light to the issues of child abuse in the entertainment industry. he could be maybe taken a little more seriously on that front if he tried to act a little more...well spoken on an issue like that? he comes off as any other washed up celeb trying to re-invent himself to make $, including using self-mockery to do so. and yeah, the cringe is just too much. it is not funny, it comes off as trying to hard and sad. whatever he's doing is all in self-promotion, just like all the actors out in Hollywood la-la land. looks like he's all about making a comeback, again - https://www.laweekly.com/corey-feldmans-back-at-the-whisky/
  4. did you pay for the haircut all in toonies? 'cause that would've been some wild shit man, like magical shit...
  5. yeah buckle up, we're in for several more days of palindromes ahead - wonder who will appear on the last one. Kali the destroyer? JFK Jr on the grassy knoll?
  6. I too come from the old school mentality of never sharing much, if any, personal information online. I'm horrified when the wife posts a picture I'm included in on her FB, will usually try and turn my head or thrown on sunglasses so I can't be easily identified. not like I'm some hard core criminal trying to hide from anyone, I just don't want to share a bunch of personal stuff online where anyone can see it. I was literally forced to make a linkedin profile that I haven't updated the picture on for almost 10 years. *shudders*
  7. https://cointelegraph.com/news/the-metaverse-will-bring-a-further-erosion-of-privacy part of the reason why forums are good enough for me.
  8. lol sounds like the trump app wasn't properly beta tested. or wait, it was beta tested, just with a bunch republican's who say yes to everything donald does, and so probably thought that bugs and glitches are ok, since they must never go against the king's wishes: https://www.axios.com/truth-social-app-store-donald-trump-6a365023-ad45-43ce-ac1b-9aa484da5ba4.html
  9. damn that's crazy. I know gas over there is always more expensive than other places in the US, but still. and I just read it could get to as high as $7! would be so nice not to always have to rely on a car to get to just about everywhere in this country. but thanks to numerous bad urban planning decisions being made back in the day (think you posted a good video about that on here recently), a lot of us have no option to walk to get anywhere really. other than down a street of other box shaped abodes with patches of grass in front of them.
  10. I think this is a good time for a gif break
  11. I remember shortly before the album was released, they put Over the Horizon Radar on that interactive site they had as a preview for the album. when I heard that track, my initial thought was not only is this a beautiful piece of music, but also naturally jumped to the conclusion that this new one is going to be more in the vein of IABPOITC. upon 1st listen when it came out, I remember being like, well I was wrong about that. in a good way of course, not saying I was disappointed at all. just thought that releasing that track as a teaser for the album was a well planned clever move.
  12. I remember introducing BoC to a guy I hung out with back in like 2004. he was a piano player not really into electronic music, but was blown away by MHTRTC. from there we moved onto IABPOITC, Twosim, and Hi Scores. he was still on board. I eventually pressed play on Geogaddi, and he made it maybe halfway before bailing. just couldn't handle it. had another friend back then really into the 4 on the floor donk donk donk techno that claimed Geogaddi gave him a massive headache. point is, I can't recall really ever listening to this album with another person after that. it's always been me alone listening to it.
  13. aka the watmm singularity event. the point when the forum starts posting without us.
  14. lol. Brian you should start like a harmony help desk. start a 1 man call center so watmmers can call you to help troubleshoot when they get stuck on where to go next.
  15. Dre & Snoop were awesome, mainly because of the nostalgia factor. I actually felt slightly emotional seeing them together and hearing bits and pieces of the classics. the rest I didn't care for really. I respect Kendrick Lamar's talents, but didn't think he fit in with the other nostalgia acts. no clue why 50 cent was there. he sucked. and that damn Eminem song...again. since it was in L.A., and an L.A. team was playing, IMO they should have kept it to be only west coast hip hop stuff. I would have loved to have seen like Too Short, Pharcyde, or Ice Cube up there with Dre & Snoop. but yeah, I know no way that would ever happen.
  16. ah shit. his films were all huge hits for any kid growing up in the '80s. Twins, Kindergarten Cop...and of course Ghostbusters. so many kid memories from watching those on VHS over and over again. RIP.
  17. definitely a troll move to rile up the left. but just shows you her maturity level. stuck in high school popularity contest mode. and if we're going to play this silly little game, I'd say AOC shoulda got that award over brobart
  18. I'd recommend the bass guitar option. I've been playing guitar since '92 and up until last year, had never owned a bass before. I've played on friends basses over the years when jamming, but never owned one. I gotta say, it's really helped make some stuff click in my head when it comes to trying to write new tunes. I've always felt most comfortable on the guitar, and naturally tried to come up with ideas mainly on it. but building a song idea off of a bassline as opposed to rhythmic or lead stuff on guitar, is like an a-ha moment for me. why didn't I think of this years ago? all this time I thought of myself as a guitarist, when maybe I'm actually more of a bassist in disguise lol. now I always go to the bass first when messing around solo. I bought a cheap bass (Ibanez tmb100) because I'm on a budget and wasn't sure how much I'd play the damn thing. and now of course I'm wanting to upgrade to like a music man or p bass...grass is always greener haha. by a loop pedal and compressor if you're wanting to have quick jams by yourself, can jump over to guitar to figure stuff out once the bassline is looping.
  19. yo @chenGOD can you tell your idiot brigade to knock it off up there? our idiot brigade down here is getting jealous of all the action happening north of the border, and apparently want in on it. except we have far more idiots down here with guns that are liable to kill someone all in the name of "freedom." https://www.politico.com/news/2022/02/09/u-s-trucker-convoy-to-washington-gathers-steam-00007135
  20. that's a good point. I would think it depends on the state. like if you said New York, California, or Texas, I think most people worldwide know those are in the US. but yeah, being overseas and saying "I'm from Idaho" would be kinda weird.
  21. this is all going exactly as Putin planned. divide and conquer. lob an orange colored stick of dynamite at the white house, then sit back and watch as the rest crumbles.
  22. ^ damn that seems all kinds of wrong. too bad those elected officials in DC can't work together on something for once and go ahead and legalize the shit. all these patchwork marijuana laws here are so stupid. "just let the states decide" is not working anymore. time to do what the people want.
  23. well aware that mileage could vary with this one, but I've found that a certain medicinal herb has helped at times give a boost to the creativity process.
  24. can totally relate. a long time ago I was in a band and was unemployed. I remember the ideas I was coming up with at the time were great, and seemed like they would never stop. I had some money saved up and had all day to do nothing, just messing around with guitar and synth stuff. then I finally had to get a day job and it killed the creativity. we collectively felt it and phased out.
  25. random side note: before myspace there was friendster, which is what I recall as being the first of the social media sites that people started posting their actual face pictures on. IMO that was the start of the social media descent. intertwining who you are IRLwith your online commentary. when everyone could see who it was that saying that. I truly believe there is value in online anonymous discourse, like another outlet for thoughts or some shit.
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