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Everything posted by zero

  1. lol I too get a bit nervous whenever this thread pops up. on the flip side of that is me thinking "please be trump please be trump"
  2. surprised he didn't blame the dems and/or Obama for ruining his little vacay there.
  3. still a lot of uncertainty regarding this, but yeah, I'm expecting we'll somehow get screwed over in the end. the $450 thing could have been a hypothetical, as I saw it mentioned in this article also: https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/texans-variable-rate-electricity-contracts-paying-astronomical-prices-power/285-0c150cdd-eb76-4197-8695-aa6952e277b1
  4. after so many sad RIP's in this thread, FINALLY death gets it right. I really can't think of anything decent to say about him. I do remember when he first came onto the pop culture scene back in the '90s, he wasn't nearly as bad as he became. same thing with Alex Jones I suppose. but fuck him... he was a giant megalomaniacal asshole that in some weird way gave rise to the worst president in American history. he pushed all trump's nonsense from day 1, the Obama birther crap, which is how donnie's political career all began.
  5. @Extralife came back on at some point last night. I'm near Dallas and yeah, I've heard it's hit or miss for just about everyone in Austin/DFW/Houston
  6. well the weather has been nothing but a stupid FWP the past few days here in Texas. a few inches of snow and days of below freezing temps (was 0F / -18C) here this morning) has really done a number on the infrastructure around here. it's just not set up to be able to handle this sort of thing.
  7. I forgot you're so progressive over there...I'm still hoping that the Okies just north of me fully legalize the shit. Tejanos ain't got a chance in hell with our dipshit R controlled state. all up to Grandpa Joe for us to be able to walk into a shop and walk out with some nugs.
  8. @Tim_J do they sell it in stores over there like some lucky states here do, or you still have to go to a guy?
  9. can we get someone like Jack Ryan to break into the compound and force them to make new music? like he could physically push Marcus's fingers down on the SH-101 until the appropriate synth runs are produced. Mike could add a beat, and then wham! - mission accomplished
  10. I always thought THX 1138 was good for this sort of thing. great visuals, not a ton of dialogue, and easy to zone out to.
  11. I find that the service call process for most companies I've dealt with in the past few years has greatly improved compared to the old days. getting a text alert when they're en route, or even a phone call from the tech before arrival seems to be the norm now with a lot of companies. hell, I had an internet service call last year and was able to track the tech's vehicle location before he arrived. yes I know there are still going to be fails, but I do think industries that provide service calls as a whole have done a better job in this. back in my telecom call center days, the absolute worst call you would ever get was from someone screaming that they've been waiting around all day for someone and he didn't show. then you look in the system and find there were back end issues that prevented it from getting dispatched. then you make up a lie to the customer and just sit there and take it. absolutely brutal.
  12. oh brian, how many more of your bizarre fetishes are you going to drag out into the open here...the scientific community is finally taking note of us, and you're smudging it up with kink.
  13. not that it really matters, but this interview was from last year. I remember reading it on bandcamp months ago, as Mu's 25th anniversary was in 2020.
  14. looks good, yes, but how do they taste? I'm usually disappointed with most of the vegan supermarket food options out there. I'm not even a full time vegan either, just try to eat healthy a lot of the time to balance out the massive quantities of booze my body has to deal with.
  15. definitely the worst one of those I've watched in quite some time. so bad
  16. since @chenGOD mentioned it, here's the watmm circa 2004 collage. I went by handsplatter back in those days. very few people left on here from that period.
  17. shaving your head? tf is wrong with you? embrace that shit, brother
  18. I still have the one from like 2004 on an old DVD-R somewhere. I was thinking of posting it at some point, but there's hardly anyone left from that period that still regularly posts on here. or people changed their usernames and I lost track of who's who.
  19. yikes. all I can say is vodka and whiskey are the fucking enemy. pace yourself dude, because that shit will change your brain. I don't mean to sound insincere here, but if you're going to drink, then why not stick to wine/beer? I hardly ever drink the hard stuff because I hate the way it makes me act. things are good one minute and then bam - you're all of a sudden really fucking angry or sad or some other emotion that you can't contain thanks to the hard alcohol. at least with a few beers or glasses of wine, I'm still relatively level headed and feel more relaxed. but yeah, none of us know your level of control and if you feel you can't stop then absolutely, take a break from it an re-assess. a few beers or some wine is fine, but polishing off more than half a bottle of vodka a night is definitely danger zone territory...
  20. tried watching the new Jared Leto movie "The little things" on hbo max and completely failed. tried one night, got bored mid way through, and stopped it. tried to pick it up the next night, fell asleep somewhere before the ending, woke up in the middle of the ending climax scene, laughed, and then turned it off without finishing. what a load of shit.
  21. I, like most guys who are now past the age of 40, logged one too many an hour back in '97/'98 playing this game. this was the end of the road for me personally on my video game career. 2 or 3 buttons and a d-pad is all my hand-eye coordination is able to handle. I gave one of the newer systems a shot once and was like nah, I just can't take it man. but regardless of that fact, I would love to bring back some college dorm room memories and play this game again.
  22. zero


    good point, but I suppose I was thinking of all the cacti / succulent type plants people plant there that are supposed to not need as much water - xeriscaping or whatever it's called. yeah growing a grass yard in southern California would seem to be an uphill battle thanks to the little rain fall that happens there.
  23. zero


    these are some of the oldest palms in L.A., planted back in the 1870's: not sure how widespread this knowledge is, but everyone knows palms are synonymous with SoCal / L.A. the ones pictured above are the only species native to California. all the other varieties were imported back in the late 1800's/early 1900's as L.A. started rapidly developing. they began to be planted by Christian missionaries, as the palm can be tied to Christian imagery (e.g., palm Sunday). and then when Hollywood and the California dream vibe took off, they were trying to replicate tourist places in southern Europe, and the palms became symbols of warm weather, vacation, relaxing, etc. any time I visit Southern California, I'm always so jealous of all the incredible front yards you see in even an average looking neighborhood. tons of interesting looking and colorful plants and trees that thrive there thanks to no freezes killing/damaging them, unlike what happens here in Texas. it sucks that its blazing hot here for so much of the year, and then we get like one freeze in January that will knock out a lot of the tropicals.
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