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Everything posted by zero

  1. recently watched Lucky - Harry Dean Stanton's final film. oh man, haven't had a film get to me as much as this one did in a long time. I found it incredibly moving, despite it having very little in the way of a story. the closest comparison I can think is Lynch's The Straight Story, so if that one appealed to you, then definitely check out Lucky. watching this made me more interested in Harry Dean Stanton, as he's one of those classic character actors that never found widespread success. from what I've read, seemed he was always just himself in every role, and just the same when not on camera. love some of his quotes from his imdb page:
  2. I think it's only on those long haul international flights they give the complimentary meals. they don't give you anything for free on the US carriers anymore. yeah, I haven't troubleshooted enough to tell if it's the food or what, only know it always seems to happen to me after eating mid air. at least now I have a kid with me so if I have to let out some of that built up air, I can, you know, just blame it on him.
  3. not on US domestic flights though. which brings to mind another pointless thought - airplane food always gives me a horrible bloated feeling. something about eating in a pressurized cabin, thousands of feet up, is just too unnatural for the stomach to deal with.
  4. https://dabrecords.bandcamp.com/album/dab-records-volume-one this is sounds like some late '90s/early 00's instrumental hip hop downtempo goodness. nothing that hasn't been done before, but if you have a fondness for the Mushroom Jazz series, early DJ Cam, DJ Greyboy, Blockhead's 1st one, or anything along those lines, then check it out.
  5. don't think the bleep write up was posted yet, but, um, yeah...anyway, keeping an open mind until I hear the whole thing.
  6. felt a bit mixed emotionally yesterday when I heard about this. on one hand, Screech was my favorite character on that show, and definitely a fond memory from the Saturday morning cartoon days of my youth. but whenever the dirty sanchez creepy stuff came to light years ago and it was revealed what a total knob he is, I certainly lost respect for him. his appearances in the news over the past few years only cemented the fact that he was a very strange, misguided individual.
  7. damn, sad news indeed. although I didn't interact with him much, I can remember he was pretty wild on this site back in the day. he definitely had a unique take on things.
  8. from what I recall (it's been so long since I saw either), Perfect Blue is far more of a straight forward story than Paprika, which requires multiple viewings to understand everything since it's just so dense with plot info. and even with that, I remember not being entirely satisfied with how it all unraveled.
  9. Beat Konducta vol 1-2 is probably closest to this new one. for jazz/funk - check out Stevie by Yesterday's New Quintet. that's all Madlib on there, and a tribute album to Stevie Wonder.
  10. 2nd track "The Call" has some very strong DJ Josh Davis - The Private Press vibes going on
  11. do you remember when the English would do a mad dash across the channel to get the first bottle after the Beaujolais harvest? I grew up in the UK back in the '80s, which was probably the height of this behavior. I remember hearing stories from my mother about this.
  12. yes / si / da / oui I was slightly apprehensive that Kieran's involvement would result in him leaving his fingerprints all over it, but I can't hear it really. not saying at all that I dislike Four Tet, I just feel Madlib does not need any one messing with his style. if anything, perhaps Kieran helped to reign him in a little, as sometimes Madlib has a habit of going to very weird places...and those don't necessarily always work IMO
  13. on first glance it's a hell fucking yes from me. exactly what I needed. siri, clear my schedule. I'll be getting high and listening to Madlib all day.
  14. there should be a seniors section on the site at this point, where we can reminisce about the '90s and laugh at each other's dad jokes
  15. I miss the old ninja tune. yeah I know they purposely moved away from the '90s downtempo stuff, but I've had a hard time getting into many of their newer artists over the years. and the old stalwarts like Mr. Scruff, Bonobo hardly release anything new. I dunno...maybe I'm just getting old
  16. ha, my son went through a License to Ill phase when he was like 4. that sorta gave me a newfound appreciation for it, trying to approach that album through kid lenses. their voices are very cartoon character like when you think about it. and the simplistic, booming 808 beats do their job in getting the energy level up, which is great when one of your top priorities is to bounce around the room at full speed.
  17. can totally relate to that. going to rent a movie was such an exciting experience as a kid. hell, even back in the pre-2010 days as a twenty something year old still renting dvd's, I still enjoyed the experience.
  18. I think there was some VHS Head gossip in the past few months. don't think a release date was announced yet. but yeah, I over simplified for effect, and the 8 year reference was of course a nod to everyone's favorite Scottish boy band... ffs brothers, it's beyond parody at this point. give us a sign, anything.
  19. I miss the days when bands/artists used to release an album every year or 2. now it's just like eh fuck it, we'll release something now, then wait 8 years till the next one.
  20. I can't help but think Fred had something to do with the burger-ness that is ingrained into the ethos of this site.
  21. actually the image of you dressed in that ridiculous top hat outfit, masturbating to scooby doo characters, is far more terrifying than our fraggle rock headed friend there
  22. yeah man, kinda crazy to think how the societal temperature in this country has been taken down several notches almost overnight after the orange twitter king was dethroned. he was such a toxic ball of ridiculousness in all our lives. I don't know how long this feeling of political peacetime will last...I just hope the kool aid keeps draining outta the duped masses.
  23. drank too much whiskey last night and ended up getting a bit weepy. oh drunky brain, wtf is wrong with you
  24. it's been a long time since I was in grad school, so I'm not sure on all the do's and don'ts in today's world... are you hoping to publish your thesis in a journal? I get an acknowledgment is different than a reference. but are you able to legitimately use an internet forum with mostly anonymous members like watmm cited as one of your references?
  25. oh yeah, I kinda forget sometimes about all the lyrics in his songs. if you're not singing along when "oh get me another tie, get me another shirt..." comes on, then something is seriously wrong with you ? re: the drugs comment. maybe I was projecting too much of myself into that one, as that's how it all started for me at least back in the late '90s. most of the friends I had at the time that were all into electronic music were the same way. classical music I suppose would be a good example of instrumental music that doesn't attract the drug crowd.
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