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Everything posted by zero

  1. he's so far gone, I can't even see him being able to answer basic questions in a trial. the only time he can behave in a serious manner is if he reads miller's caca off a teleprompter.
  2. but does the thc still work after using it? 'mano, it's literally been decades since I felt the refreshing blast of cool, water filtered particulates race through me. got to keep it on the dl now thanks to the fam, so I'm onto the edible thing... but '97-'01 saw many a good agua device come and go, thanks in part to one too many an ice cube causing the ever so painful cracked glass.
  3. lol... maybe Rudy will farm those unpaid invoices out to a collection agency, who can call and harass donald to pay, threaten to ruin his credit
  4. ^ that last one exhibits classic karen posturing...the way her shoulders are slightly hunched, mouth jutted forward...I don't even need to hear a word to be able to tell it is going to be non-stop verbal diarrhea time
  5. I had no clue who this guy even is, but that confused me as well. I don't know enough about proud boys to understand what the hell they believe in exactly. found this article on him though...apparently he's not racist? https://www.kitv.com/story/42687573/facebook-deletes-campaign-page-of-proud-boy-running-for-hawaii-house-seat
  6. I follow Ontario news quite a bit (lived there for 10+ years), and it seems they're using the QC curfew as a thinly veiled threat to get people to follow their new lockdown measures. but yeah, I can only imagine the frustration and confusion a curfew like that would bring about in some folks. luckily (heh) we have a bunch of Republican asshats running Texas, who made it abundantly clear they will never lock us down ever again.
  7. @Cryptowen aren't you in Quebec? how's the curfew thing going?
  8. you know, it must have been @beerwolf's request for mysterious/supernatural/adventure recs that got me thinking about GoT again. I stopped watching after season 5 aired, and was always meaning to pick it back up again at some point. now I have hbo max for free as part of my internet service and have starred at the S6 e1 rectangle several times, but have not been able to bring myself to hit the play button. I'm aware of the fact it was negatively reviewed in the later seasons and should be prepared to be disappointed, but then again I have that "finish what you started" ethic instilled in me, so will probably end up hate watching the last few seasons.
  9. I'd like to see it all eradicated as well, but it's the kids following in their delusional parents footsteps that I worry about, that they'll drag this on to the next generation... anyone espousing these insane views should be ashamed, but even more so if they spout all this in front of their kids. and let's face it, one of the biggest underlying factors in the root of all this online anger is racism. the first place to promote an accepting view of others is through parenting. how a kid sees their parents act toward others is paramount for them to understand that hostility toward others that may look different than you or hold a different viewpoint isn't ok.
  10. pretty sure in one of those videos posted of the rioters calmly walking out the door of the capitol, I heard some guy say "let's go grab some beer and come back later"
  11. Mogwai discuss the new album and share another track from it: https://www.nme.com/news/music/mogwai-share-beautiful-ritchie-sacramento-video-and-talk-positive-new-album-2854504
  12. how in the hell did I miss this? for the first time ever, I am totally on board with donnie's bat shit insanity. if we are dumb enough to build a stupid wall, then absolutely, it needs to have an alligator filled moat surrounding it: https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-politics-illegal-immigration-immigration-impeachments-03eccd4b09d7acb6f5cce304a0afdf42
  13. not sure if this was posted already as it's a few days old, but Melania gets absolutely slammed by her ex-advisor in this opinion piece: https://www.thedailybeast.com/melanias-ex-bff-stephanie-winston-wolkoff-says-theres-blood-on-her-hands
  14. hey man quick question - who is it you think your primary audience is when you say stuff like this on this site? we're more or less on the same side here...we all love Richard...the brothers...but sometimes it comes across as though you are talking down to all of us, as in we're either unknowledgeable or on the other side of your position... anyway, you seem pretty knowledgeable when it comes to implementing communism, just wanted to make sure you're aware you get a little preachy at times on here...
  15. maybe he'll pull a Saul Goodman and come back as "Randy McGill"
  16. poor Arnie...dude wants to be president so badly. this is probably as close to a presidential moment as it's gonna get for the guy...cheesy ending music aside, this was 1000 times better than any 1 sentence that has come out of donald's stupid mouth for the past 5 years. if Arnold was able to run, I have no doubt he'd get the W.
  17. another article highlighting the fact that healthcare workers here in the US are sadly refusing to take the vaccine: https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-vaccine-health-workers-676e03a99badfd5ce3a6cfafe383f6af my own sister is a nurse, was offered the vaccine already, and refused it. when I asked her why, her response more or less matched some of what is said in the above article - wait until more have had it first, and then get it in a few months time. she is definitely not a pro-trumper, not anti-vaxxer, and not on social media. I just don't fucking get it...
  18. sadly no, they unlocked it after he deleted a few things: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/07/trump-sends-first-tweet-after-twitter-removes-lock-from-his-account.html
  19. don't feel too bad. as someone who did call center work for a telecom company back in the day, I can guarantee you she didn't get fired over that. the amount of times wrong info is given out by call center reps is staggering. I worked in a position where I had to correct a lot of their mistakes, issue out credits, etc., so chances are the same applies to your scenario.
  20. oh for sure. I was just having a lol moment at thinking Bezos himself upped the price on a book about fascism to upwards of $200
  21. ok fair enough. I hadn't really been following, nor read, what he had posted previously, and didn't realize there was a trend here. indeed, anyone promoting false flag conspiracy type stuff that may hinder us all to get past this pandemic, should be prepared to take on opposition and criticism.
  22. thank god all those people out there with butterflies tattooed above their ass and tribal bands around their ankles are still safe here.
  23. @bupkis my take regarding the hostility you received is that you posted that FB stuff without offering any sort of explanation as to why you were posting it. it is unsubstantiated heresay that implies the vaccine killed that guy, when no one knows for sure that is the case. I can see why someone would conclude that you were posting this to somehow warn us about the dangers of the vaccine, when in fact you followed up and clarified this is not what you intended. maybe next time a 1 or 2 liner commenting on a link you post may be good to clarify your intentions? it can even be filled with cynicism/sarcasm/snark, as that is the watmm way... @rhmilo maybe would've been better to ask him to clarify first before launching into attack mode? I'm with you that anyone doubting the validity of the vaccine is not at all helping the current crisis, but it seems he wasn't intending to promote this line of thought. it wasn't totally obvious to me either at first why he posted that, but I get it now after he posted a follow up.
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