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Everything posted by zero

  1. zero

    Thai Food

    first time I went to Thailand, I fell in love with goong che nam pa. it's an appetizer dish of raw prawns, served with the standard thai accompaniments of fresh chilis, lime, fish sauce, etc. it's a great side dish to snack on while drinking beer by a large body of water in a warm, tropical setting. normally in the US, I would never think of eating raw shrimp, but I was having a "when in Rome" moment, and so threw caution to the wind. there is a reason why consuming raw shellfish is not recommended. I learned my lesson. thank god I was able to hold it together on the plane ride back, because a day or so after getting back home, it was no bueno. some parasite hidden in one of those raw prawns must of laid some eggs somewhere inside me, as it was a good 1-2 days of staying as close to the toilet as possible. this was many years ago and I still remember it well. needless to say, on return trips to the kingdom, I stuck to the cooked fare.
  2. man I'd be pissed! imagine spending hundreds of your hard earned dollars, to stand packed into in a room with a bunch of crusty old racist fucks (at the orange fuhrer's palace nonetheless), and the main attraction didn't even give a crap enough to make an appearance! oh well. maybe they'll get lucky enough to get a cameo from Eric. or a slurred rambling mess of a speech from Don Jr.
  3. finished Fargo season 4 yesterday. loved the way it started out and some excellent acting overall (doctor senator), but as others have said - just too many characters that watered down the plot a bit too much. I binge watched it so was able to keep track of all the names, etc., but still. also, I couldn't buy into Chris Rock's performance 100%. and the tone of the last 3 episodes felt different, probably because these had to be filmed after they came back from a covid delay, and was shot when it wasn't winter outside.
  4. Jan. 6th is the new election day. all that voting nonsense that happened before doesn't count... it all boils down to 1 frumpy, cartoon character of a man:
  5. zero

    Brexit :(

    yeah I'm sure there is a thriving American market for UK tourism, well pre-pandemic that is. most Americans I know all would prefer to go to less expensive tropical locales, like Costa Rica or the Yucatan.
  6. not exactly the same as your dilemma and I don't have any advice as to how to get past it, but this reminded me of when my parents got rid of a Marshall guitar amp I had after I moved out, took it to some school garage sale thing without telling me. even though I wasn't super attached to it, I still remember being absolutely livid and going off on them about it. my dad felt bad enough that he ended up giving me some money to buy a new amp. so it all worked out in the end, I guess.
  7. I wouldn't say she's really all that well known, or at least to the average American guy. maybe among women she has more name recognition, I dunno. all I know is she lives in the daytime talk show realm, alongside other such characters like Jerry Springer, Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, who aren't meant to be taken seriously. but then again, we have millions of people in this country that hang on every word of a washed up reality show con man masquerading as president, so I guess there are plenty out there in audience land that are prone to believe whatever nonsense she comes up with.
  8. I'm sure there is a scientific study out there somewhere correlating mask wearing and the growth rate of nose hairs, which would confirm the hairs are growing faster than ever thanks to the masks
  9. zero

    Brexit :(

    that's a good point. in the past 20 years or so, I can hardly think of anyone I've known who has gone to the UK on a vacation. the only people I can think of are people much older than me with pre-teen kids, who are at the age when they want to see all the London touristy stuff. I suppose it has a lot to do with the exchange rate. it's too expensive to go for the average American. and as mentioned, the Britannia thing wore off a long time ago.
  10. do they chant "USA! USA! any time someone gets tackled at a Wal-mart though? nuh uh. we got that dumb shit down to a science over here, man.
  11. I'm imagining the phone calls between Donald and Pence right now are similar to the Lost Highway scene, where Mr. Eddy calls Pete to see if he's doing okay. "You sure you're doing okay, Mike? I just wanted to make sure you're doing okay." then he hands the phone Mystery Man Jared, who talks about being sentenced to death, never knowing when an executioner will step up and fire into the back of your head.
  12. surprised donnie didn't want to throw himself a parade where he could toss out $600 stimulus checks to the mask-less brethren....straight out of Batman '89 the Joker's playbook.
  13. excellent wine pairing there @beerwolf. Four Tet is totally on the Sauv Blanc side of things when it comes to electronic music. not as fruity as say a Chard, not nearly as dark and heavy as a Cab.
  14. the wife was pestering me the other day while we were driving somewhere -"your nose hairs are sooo long. you look like some sort of animal." my reply was that everywhere I go in public I'm wearing a mask, so no one else can see this. her reply was "well..." and then the discussion ended. it's the small victories that count, gents. small victories.
  15. born in '79. music from 91/92 made a huge impact upon me. Pearl Jam, Nirvana...those guys were gods to just about every 13 year old back then... and I remember being blown away when I saw 2 kids around my age playing guitar together in early '92. seeing them playing enter sandman riffs, under the bridge, stuff like that, which was getting massive radio/MTV airplay at the time, led me (and tons of other kids) into wanting to learn guitar.
  16. the maga "tell me about your mother" moment is upon us... one question to determine if you're one of us, or one of them....RINO's have until Jan. 6th to prepare for the ultimate test: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/12/22/trump-final-loyalty-test-election-450183
  17. great idea for a thread. I really had to dive deep into the memory vaults to try and remember some of this. as mentioned earlier, 1991 was really the year that changed it all music-wise for me. something happened in the cosmos late that year that resulted in some earth shattering albums being released, resulting in a massive change to the direction of popular music. crazy to look back and see that GnR, RHCP, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Metallica, all had those landmark albums released within a few months of each other at the later part of '91. but late 1990 was still new jack swing territory when it came to popular stuff on the radio. the Simpsons were massively popular I remember, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was the cool new show, and TMNT were everywhere. and of course, this guy was the king of it all: Ice Ice Baby was THE song of 1990. everybody knew all the words. other than that, I can remember listening to Paula Abdul, Janet Jackson, Technotronic - Pump up the Jam, Kid n' Play, U Can't touch this, and also Depeche Mode - Violator had a bunch of hits that were being played around this time.
  18. this is a total FWP that I occasionally grapple with. should I re-watch show X, or dive in to new show Y. I probably end up spending way too much time thinking about this, as opposed to just pulling the trigger and doing one or the other. but yeah, BB is definitely one of those shows that is on my "have yet to re-watch" list.
  19. sounds like a job for hair dye Rudy and crazy kraken lady. they need to get their own bat mobile or costumes or something.
  20. I can't be the only one who mentally associates Burial, Christmas, and a classic watmm post from years back...I'm sure it was @jules who described putting the household to bed, retreating to the study to sit by the fire, sip scotch, and relax with the latest Burial 3 track ep crackling in the background...at least that's how I remember it. I could be completely wrong here and this is a false memory I implanted.
  21. they're turning that building into a bunch of shops & restaurants. looks like they used some DFN shots on their website: https://posthtx.com/
  22. I didn't go, but was also living there at that time. our company Christmas party was in downtown Houston that night, and it was pretty impressive to see that many people out and about around the north end of downtown, as Houston's downtown is normally pretty dead. it was great to see Houston get something like that, as there really isn't much in the way of an electronic music scene there compared to big cities on the coast. and yeah, sucks they couldn't bring it back after Omar was kicked out. I knew him when I was growing up there. was friends with guys he was in bands with back in the '90s and needless to say, he's always been a bit of a douche.
  23. lol... bids are already up to $55k this almost reeks of some sort don jr. type scam, where the trump family actually get a chunk of the $
  24. back to discussing the world's #1 president...it's getting down to the 11th hour, so once again, the discussion about donnie invoking the Insurrection Act is rearing its stupid head: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/12/18/trump-insurrection-act-presidency-447986 I can only imagine how the discussion would go between donald and top military leaders... "hello military? yes this is donald. I'd like to order the troops to stop the steal please. and can you send room service to bring me another diet coke while you're at it? excellent"
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