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Everything posted by zero

  1. a little more southwestern desert vibe sounding than this one, but still great. "Impossible Truth" is one from him I'd say has more of a similar ambient shimmering guitar thing going on. his last 2 albums have included more of a full band sound than his early stuff, which was mainly just guitar and effects.
  2. A few I don't think have been mentioned yet: George Clanton & Nick Hexum - S/T. when I first saw this pairing I was like wtf, but this is a really solid chillwave/pop/'90s album. never been a big fan of George's vocals, but here Nick's syrupy croon fits perfectly. this was my album of the summer as I hung out in the backyard solo. Jeff Parker - Suite for Max Brown. guitarist from Tortoise releases another outstanding solo album. there are a few tracks on here that sound very much Tortoise TNT. Pallbearer - Forgotten Days. I can't stop listening to the track "Silver Wings" on here. so incredibly good. attn: Tool - this is how you do a 13 minute prog/metal track. the first few minutes of the track sound like some of Mogwai's heavier stuff. Jaga Jazzist - Pyramid. never been able to really get into them before this. their previous stuff I'd find had some great moments, but would get boring after awhile. this new one is the best I've heard from them, if you like spacy, jazzy, psych stuff. William Tyler - New Vanitas. I think it's technically an ep, but it's like 33 minutes, so enough to just about consider it an album. more gorgeous guitar work from him, a lot more ambient than indie/country sounding. A few that have already been mentioned: Hum - Inlet. can't believe how good this is. not very often does a band come back after a 20 year hiatus and release their best album yet. Autechre - Sign. I'm in no way an Ae fanboy, they lost me a long time ago. hell, I still love Incunabula. this one blew me away. the first thing I've bought from them since Untilted. Wagon Christ - Recepticon. IMO the best thing Luke's done in a long, long time. so many classic WC sounds here, and very well produced. Real Estate - The Main Thing. these guys are the best when it comes to making laidback, catchy, indie rock. they've hardly had a bad album since they started. Kruder & Dorfmeister - 1995. I still cannot believe that despite the fact these guys are legends in the downtempo/trip-hop/chill out-whatever scene, that this is in fact their first proper album release. when I first heard about it I was worried it would sound dated as hell, but this is top notch. comps: Clams Casino - Instrumental Relics. some of my favorite tracks by him are on here. mostly stuff from the instrumental mixtapes 1 &2 and the Rainforest ep. Casino vs. Japan - Echo Counting. this just recently came out, but I haven't been able to stop listening to it daily. just like with K&D, so awesome when one of those long ago artists you haven't listened to in ages pops up out of nowhere and puts out an excellent release. I'd never heard any of these tracks before, so like a brand new album for me.
  3. obviously the fault of capitalism. if we all lived in some sort of ultra-leftist, anti-capitalist, free-for-all, utopian fantasy land, then no one would be hacking anyone, as there would be no financial means to do so or gains from it. plus, we would probably be too busy foraging for food all day to give a shit about computers.
  4. I can remember thinking at some point back in the '90s, that the '90s are so bland. there's nothing remarkable about this decade, as opposed to the '60s, '70s, '80s, which all have clear mental associations and pop culture references attached with each. I was also a wallowing teenager back then, not at all realizing that we were soon going to be entering the blandest series of years of them all - the 2000's. the rise of internet culture essentially made the past 20 years all blend into one big globalized and unremarkable clump...mentally I can't really set apart stuff from 2008 to 2018. the fashion trends, popular music, etc. are all just so similar. so yeah, compared to 2000 - 2020, the '90s were a great time to be young.
  5. I was just reading about this over on NPR, who give even more disturbing details about this truly insane incident. this is mental illness, no doubt, to believe a random air conditioning repair man was at the center of a massive vote fraud scheme: https://www.npr.org/2020/12/16/946995614/ex-houston-police-officer-charged-in-attack-over-bogus-election-fraud-plot
  6. shows you just how easily an off the cuff remark, which wasn't made to be taken seriously, can snowball and escalate into something that divides the population, and leads to both sides attacking each other and believing they are right!
  7. the trump crazies turning on the GOP has got to be a good thing, right? or is this going to lead to some completely misguided mass casualty domestic terrorism incident...
  8. haha, yeah I remember he started out ok here, then went full on nut job by the time his watmm career came to an end. there were some very interesting philosophy discussions he and many others were involved with back then...shit, I was like in my early 20's and was totally into that stuff as well.
  9. ^ correct. we have only 1 more year to go then.
  10. Vlad sent Joe a telegram saying he's ready for some interaction. would've been extra cool if he sent it via telex https://www.cnbc.com/2020/12/15/russias-president-putin-congratulates-joe-biden-on-election-victory.html
  11. ha, I was thinking "I wonder how far chen will go fighting some of this stuff on here." good to know you're in it 'till your grave. and I remember back in the day when you would fight the good fight against guys like jswift, flapdoodle, and the rest of the cast of characters that have long since gone, and who used to act like they knew the answers to anything and everything. those were the watmm philosophical series days, back when the site had more naive twenty-something year old's as opposed to now, where we're much older and wiser...
  12. and also contradictory. I mean if he stops all food shipments, how are our new Chinese overlords going to eat?
  13. wrong. we all know who created the vaccine. his name rhymes with ronald hump.
  14. yes nice track, great vocal sample. I was a little surprised at the somewhat simplistic use of that classic drum break though...
  15. I'm no expert on them, but I'd take a guess they are more anti-left than they are KKK. "hipster racists" is how I've seen them described before.
  16. absolutely. and as you mentioned, he was never oppressed by the system or let down by "the man," which makes it all that much more head-scratching as to why people believe this. in his long-winded rants he implies that he was, but then never backs it up with proof, or his proof is so unintelligible that it is up to the listener to draw their own fantastical depiction of this happening to him. the truth is if he ever was oppressed by any system anywhere, it was more than likely his own fault, due to some sketchy ass business deal that "the man" was trying to squash because it was illegal/immoral in the first place.
  17. probably could be traced back to the whole evangelical thing. the preacher in a tent bringing religion to the undereducated country folk seems to be uniquely American. that shit is still intertwined in the psyche of huge chunks of the population, especially in the South where the maga base is mostly clustered. the interesting thing about donnie being cult leader, is there is nothing mysterious about him. normally cult leaders have some sort of unknown quality about them, which helps draw people in. but here everyone knows his entire spoiled brat history, and they still believe the crap he spews out haphazardly. he could practically say "I have no clue what I'm doing, I'm just here for the attention and to make money off all you stupid fucks" and the red hats would still cheer wildly and vote for him.
  18. despite the fact that he produces loads of music, it seems like forever since there's been a proper Madlib solo release. I've been wondering why we haven't heard from him in awhile. and yeah, can't wait to hear this.
  19. they went wild with it there after legalization. 2,000+ dispensaries opening in less than 2 years is no joke. I was in Tulsa last year and it seemed like on just about every major highway and street, you'd see the green cross flag flying at some point.
  20. gave it a listen on bandcamp and passed. I know it's a comp of older stuff, but IMO this sound is a little tired at this point. wonder if he'll ever revisit his Airliner or Sarin Sunday projects. or I'd be interested to see if he tried something different other than com truise.
  21. it really is hilarious when you think about how trump is directing people to investigate the Biden clan for money laundering. donnie should have been jailed for numerous white collar crimes by now. but no, he'll ride out his days in a fucking golf scooter on his Floridian dictator compound.
  22. 100% agree. but sadly shit like this is not at all surprising when you have the orange clown crew pushing all sorts of dog eat dog agendas out there. IIRC they were trying to prioritize getting ventilators to red states over blue states months ago, because you know, that's where the people need to be saved because the good votes come from there.
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