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Everything posted by zero

  1. I think there's a reasonable solution to this mess that would be fair to both parties - we give them donnie. "look, we're real sorry about your guy, but here's the asshole that did it, so please just take him and leave the rest of us alone, ok?" they could march him around shoving bayonets and sticks up his ass, and there'd be victory parades from tehran to san francisco. kumba-fuckin-ya!
  2. I know it certainly seems like this act was just another rash, impromptu, thoughtless decision from the man child, but surely there must be some adults left in the room with him, right? I mean someone put this right in front of him, and there has to be military strategy planned out for a response? I can't imagine that it came down to a round table discussion, with top generals starring over at his orange stained face, waiting for the boy king to mumble out nonsense that was interpreted as the go-ahead. and I think pompeo said something about discussing this first with allies, but you never know since he's on team donnie...so then 100% full of shit. I did read that Nancy and the dems were left in the dark on it, which makes sense since they would have only meddled in the dictator's plan.
  3. huh...had no idea trump derangement syndrome was a thing. just googled it and see there was also a bush derangement syndrome and obama derangement syndrome as well.
  4. ^ if only more Republicans would think like that... I'm kinda surprised there hasn't been more of a female backlash within the Republican party against Donald, considering how misogynistic he is. and the viewpoint that he is some sort of Messianic figure is so twisted, makes you realize how many people out there are truly mindless beings, wandering from one authority figure to the next...
  5. his speeches, political decisions, twitter feuds...all are just completely off the cuff responses with very little rhyme or reason. when it comes to the art of bullshitting, I don't even think he knows if he's trying to be smart, play dumb, speak the truth, or he's just making it all up. he truly is an enigma. and completely mentally unstable. which is fine when you're a reality show con man, but, y'know, is no bueno when you're the leader of a country tasked with making important decisions. add into the mix the fact that the MAGA crowd agrees with his made up bullshit no matter what, and the mainstream media is left pointing fingers and angry when he speaks nonsense, takes the whole shebang to other worldly levels of absurdity.
  6. the great waxing philosopher imparted some truly refined truth nuggets upon his humbled masses over the weekend regarding windmills: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/dec/23/trump-bizarre-tirade-windmills
  7. your football analogy is correct. largely thanks to donnie's belligerence, it's become a shirts vs. skins game, us vs. them, our tribe against theirs. doesn't matter what the play is, we're going to go in there and kick their ass... also, they're sticking to him because coach turtle man tells them to. which begs another rhetorical question(s) - wtf is turtle man's end game in all of this? hang on to senate control as long as he can, so he can keep killing any progressive bill in order to spite the dems and keep his 'merica back-assward? I mean it seems incredibly fucked up that one guy can prevent bills that have passed in the house from even getting a vote in the senate. the founding fathers totally overlooked that one...
  8. I'm secretly hoping his presidential legacy is stricken from future text books forever. Bush 2000 - 2008 Obama 2008 - 2016 ??? 2016 - 2020 (there was this guy that was president back from 2016 - 2020, but he wasn't any good, so let's not talk about it and move on, OK)
  9. Great! Except he's still going to be president when we wake up tomorrow, we're still going to have to hear & read all the nonsense he spews out, he's still going to have a huge chunk of the country supporting him, and best of all...he might be re-elected next year so we get to continue having this discussion for 4-5 more years!! Unless there are a few renegade 'publicans in the Senate that are cooking up a coup, we're going to be stuck with the shit show for the foreseeable future...
  10. I started taking CBD oil a few months ago, as I was hoping it would help me get better sleep. Unfortunately I don't really notice any difference when it comes to getting a better night's sleep, but I do feel that has helped with reducing anxiety. Like a lot of people, I have mild social anxiety. I mean not so bad that it prevents me from doing stuff, but I definitely get that really tense internal feeling when interacting with most people. I can tell that CBD has helped reduced/eliminated that tension I feel in social situations, and makes having conversations with other people a bit easier. I've tried a few also and like this one - https://www.43cbd.com And totally agree about CBD shops being awkward places. The first one I went to, I swear it felt like I was back in high school going to someone's apartment to by a sack. 2 girls sitting on a couch looking spaced out not really talking, older grumbly-voiced dude comes out from the back reaking of cigarette smoke and starts asking me a bunch of questions and offering me gummy samples, little dog running around, music playing in the background...
  11. yeah, I think his celebrity was a big part of it. after all, he was the guy forcefully yelling "you're fired" on the apprentice. I'm voting for him! so then maybe dems should rethink their strategy...try to recruit a hollywood celeb to throw their hat in the race. if all it takes is a recognizable face, talking loudly, and having an inkling of political knowledge, then why not get a celeb everyone already knows? I know governator Arnold would love the chance to do it, but unfortunately can't. I've joked before that Stephen Colbert would be pretty awesome...he could alternate between his right wing "colbert report" persona and his liberal Letterman gig persona to appease the group he's speaking to.
  12. that's one of many frustrating things about him...his con man skills are actually pretty laughable when compared to some of the more calculated schemers (Ponzi, Madoff, etc.), yet millions of people fell for his stupid bullshit anyway. it really brings into view just how many gullible, easy prey people there are out there who buy into insane, clearly wrong verbal nonsense...
  13. N.Korea may be forced to drop the dotard slang again on donnie's senile ass: https://www.yahoo.com/news/north-korea-calls-trump-thoughtless-094406881.html but c'mon n.Korea...get creative. re-using dotard again? donnie better come up with something other than "rocket man" this time when he twitter battles them back...
  14. lol...OMG donnie's freakin hilarious! bed bug? like WTF? https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/crazy-as-a-bedbug-trump-blasts-pelosi-and-questions-her-mental-stability Dems you crazy fucks! All you're doing is sitting! SCAM! FAKE NEWS! SCAM! YOU'RE ALL FUCKIN CRaayyZYYY!!!!!!
  15. I know it's a fairly petty reason to throw support behind a candidate running for president, but I would love to see donnie boy get completely destroyed on stage during the 2020 presidential debates by Kamala Harris. I mean see him get totally emasculated and humiliated, turned into a sniveling toddler who's mumbling and blabbering completely unintelligible sounds. Maybe she'd even push him far enough that he snaps on live TV, starts hurling f-bombs and n-words at her. Realistically I don't think she'll make it that far, but of all the candidates right now most qualified to combat donnie's angry man-child debate tactics on stage, I think it's her.
  16. yeah today's episode of donnie trump's "theatre of the absurd" is pretty good! I also get the feeling that Rudy is about to be starring down the headlights of an oncoming bus very soon. I'm guessing his legal defense will be that he is mentally unfit to stand trial, which is very well supported by just about any public appearance he's made in the past year.
  17. remember way back when donnie blurted out this nonsense in trying to describe his thoughts on kids vaping and a potential ban on flavored vape cartridges: well, turns out the MAGA base really love their flavored JUUL, so vaping is now safe again: so glad we got that settled. ok on to the next item on the list of trumpian absurdity...
  18. I'm not familiar with him, but looks like the dems have another latecomer joining the race today - former Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick: https://time.com/5728099/deval-patrick-2020-obama/ I'd wager that the right-wing attack dogs pounce on the lowest hanging fruit, and will soon be shouting that he's Obama's surrogate...
  19. I don't think they ever will...they stay hitched to king donald and keep backing his delusions of witch hunt, fake news, etc. until he's dead. that's part of what is so maddening about donnie's sinking ship reality tv shit show...that no matter what happens to him, he's still going to maintain support from MAGA/fox news for years to come. history will look back at this period in time as the point when common sense disappeared from among roughly half of the american voting public...
  20. “I don’t know how you can impeach someone who’s done a great job" - Trump, Aug. 2018
  21. ^lol...so weird seeing that...I knew Theo back in college. had no idea he was a semi-famous stand up now. last I heard of him was back when he was doing the road rules mtv stuff...and pretty sure dude didn't grow up in a poor black area either. he's from Covington/Mandeville area, which is across the lake from New Orleans, where all the white families moved back in the day when New Orleans got too poor & dangerous. but anyway, comedians have complete artistic license to make up any bullshit they want in order to get a laugh...
  22. just look at that mullet... sorta like hay colored tentacles clawing at his collar. still sometimes hard to believe that this fucking guy became president
  23. from the Simpsons episode where homer becomes garbage commissioner and screws everything up, and the more experienced former commissioner says: You know I'm not much on speeches, but it's so gratifying to leave you wallowing in the mess you've made. You're screwed. Thank you. Bye.
  24. yeah, not super excited at this. I don't see him as having a better chance than any of the others candidates at beating donnie. I'm sure the dems were secretly hoping there'd be someone else jumping in last minute as their wild card, although I have no clue who that'd be at this point. "Look! Who's that masked white knight galloping in to defeat the orange villain and save the day? It's......Michael Bloomberg"
  25. lol, went back pretty far there...those god damned philosophers...this is all their fault! introduced those ideas about individualism, civil society, capitalism...screwed us all.
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