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Everything posted by oscillik

  1. https://www.theverge.com/2021/2/1/22260803/google-stadia-game-development-studio-shut-down-jade-raymond I called it. This is the beginning of the end
  2. You guise realise that there is such a thing as 5.1 audio vinyl records, right?
  3. Also, a Polaroid I made for @hello spiral which didn’t come out well due to limitations with the Polaroid Lab
  4. You're not getting it. I give up. Have a good evening m8.
  5. I'm not sure if you realise it, but your post has literally just proven the apathy I have been talking about. In the experience of the majority of the people I know who make music and have it up on Spotify, the "exposure" they receive through being on Spotify is negligable, yet they're paying dues to distribution companies for the amazing reward of…negligable increase in listeners. You said "having your stuff on there may translate to real sales through other means". There is a fucking huge emphasis on the word may. And for some people, that isn't good enough to be paying more than what you're actually earning on the platform. As far as I'm concerned, the only reason Spotify is being pushed by these so-called knowledgable industry types is because of payola. My musician friends and acquaintences get more exposure from live performances and Twitter
  6. Responding to the report of Numan's statement with above seems to be coming from the perspective that some label contracts are good whilst others are not. The music industry has always screwed over artists. Spotify have just figured out a way to "legitimise" music piracy in the hearts and minds of literally everyone, whilst raking in all the money for themselves. Labels see it as a way to get some revenue from something that, up until about 15 years ago, was regarded as the end of their business. Listeners see it as a cheap and easy way to get access to all the music they could ever want. Artists feel like that must have their music available on there, otherwise they're invisible. Fairly recently, someone involved in "the industry" in Liverpool was vehemently advocating for and defending Spotify as a platform for expanding your audience. Everyone I know who releases music came back at this person, rightfully stating that the amount of money they pay to distribution services such as DistroKid literally exceeds the amount of revenue they get back from Spotify. It just isn't worth it for many artists to be on Spotify.
  7. I could go on an extended rant about my own personal issues and opinions on Instagram, but I don't think anyone really cares (and I don't blame anyone for not giving a shit what a late 30s boomer thinks about Instagram. Also yes the bullshit crop limit is annoying)! I can boil it all down ultimately to: I never really cared about likes or clout, and these platforms are continually pushing for more engagement, more likes, more interaction, more clout. And so do the users, generally speaking. I'm just done with it. VSCO's social aspect used to align more with my sentiments (they were, from the beginning, not showing follower counts / like counts etc), it's a shame they're trying to pivot to something that I don't fit with. As soon as I have an online repository for my work, I'll be sure to spam this place with it though. As I've said previously in this now massive thread, I am extremely thankful and grateful for the supportive and kind words from users here at WATMM. If it weren't for the positive reinforcement of my phone camera photography, I wouldn't have pushed myself to get better tools to make better photos. @Joyrex thanks for this place existing, because without it I may never have gotten that positivity at the time that I did. And I might still be trying to make shitty electronic music with hardware I'm not worthy of ?
  8. Supreme Leader of Democratic WATMM
  9. @QQQ pretty much, yeah. I very severely dislike Instagram. Last year I had deleted all my photos from there and vowed not to use it again, but then I moved to London and as much as a loathe it, Instagram can in certain cases assist with exposure when trying to get some spec freelance work, so I started it back up and posted enough photos to give a flavour of my style. Of course, it's not really worked out as I've gotten zero interest since moving down here in August. Might end up purging it all again. My main repository of images is on VSCO however they've also made changes to the way they do things and as soon as I get work (still unemployed, not even a regular day job) I'll be setting up a website. VSCO is frustrating for people looking at my work, particularly on mobile phone because it obnoxiously pushes for the observer to install the app with a half-page ad. On top of that they've made some very questionable business decisions which I'm not really okay with. Anyway, if you would like to see some more images clicky the VSCO link up above and I'll be sure to keep posting choice selections in here when I have anything new! Really nice images here @QQQ, especially the brutalist pigeons one ?
  10. So when are we getting the Stories update to the forum? I can't wait for it.
  11. Nope, it wasn’t sloppiness — it was an intended feature of the Facebook system. Facebook just feigned that it was an oversight so it would get them out of some extremely boiling hot water. They knew exactly what was going on, and they knew what data could be accessed on individuals through this system. but we’re digressing a bit, so I won’t go on about Facebook too much.
  12. I guess you don’t remember the Cambridge Analytica scandal, where Facebook is concerned? To be clear — Facebook absolutely sell actual user data, not anonymised or anything like that.
  13. Digital setup — Fujifilm X-Pro3, XF35mmF1.4 and XF23mmF1.4 prime lenses. Analogue setup — MiNT SLR-670s (modified Polaroid SX-70), Polaroid Autofocus 660, Polaroid Lab.
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