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Everything posted by oscillik

  1. I didn't mean to offend by posting what was meant to be a tongue in cheek joke. To be fair, this photo was submitted presumably by yourself to xltronic?
  2. You want us to believe that neither Warp nor NTS checked the files to make sure they were kosher?
  3. They dropped me like a hot potato the moment I started getting too cynical ?
  4. Made a short film to explain my thoughts on this
  5. Fucking hell, worse than Season 1 Fox Mulder…
  6. I hope this link stays alive for the next two hours, so I can get home from work and download. Thanks loads Rob & Sean
  7. I can't wait for it to be a 30 second vignette looped for 2 hours
  8. oscillik


    It means there's an evil Wizard named Merlin who works for Warp Records, and they have a personal vendetta against you.
  9. Hey guise, I dunno about anyone else but I couldn't access the site for the past few days. Anyone else?
  10. Thank you for your attention, bye!
  11. I'd say going back to how it used to be would be better, i.e. — no forced border, and no rounded corners. If someone wants that in the profile picture, they can put that there themselves. If they want a circular profile picture, they can do that. Transparent PNGs exist. I really don't understand your stance here, where you agreed that circular profile pictures for all was a bad idea, but this isn't — it's an aesthetic choice that you're forcing on everyone, on a part of the forum that is meant to give the user creative freedom to use a profile picture…
  12. I'd say it'll be delayed once or twice. It's way too early for them to be able to set a concrete release date. I would be very surprised if it goes gold in time for that release date. Also……: FUCKING YES DOOM ETERNAL. But fucking christ, since when did AAA games on PC cost as much as console games on release? £50 for Cybperpunk 2077 and £50 for DOOM Eternal (£75 if you want the special edition with access to the first year of DLC).
  13. It's totally going to be pushed back at least twice, but it's cool that they think it's almost ready to come out.
  14. Taking away creative choices and forcing everyone to have a rounded square profile picture with a border, that's not good. Same as forcing everyone to have a circle for a profile picture.
  15. Profile pictures now have rounded corners AND a border, which looks fucking stupid
  16. ON ARRIVAL, you have to pay £120 up front to get access. And there aren't that many games available at launch (and no exclusives either). Considering that you can pay just a little more and get a current gen console and have access to their exclusives and back catalogue, it's kinda dead on arrival. But I'll wait for everyone to prove me wrong. Just like I'm still waiting for people to prove me wrong on Steam Machines.
  17. There is no free service until 2020. Until then, you have to pay £120 to even get access, and then it's the monthly subscription on top. With a small selection of 'included' games. And the new titles, you have to still actually buy like you would any other game. And then when Google gets bored of this / realises it doesn't take off, bye bye games you 'bought' And this is assuming it will actually work on your own connection (which will vary wildly depending on where you are). Good luck getting this adopted in Australia!
  18. lol Google Stadia = dead on arrival. What a fucking joke.
  19. I wonder if Sega is going to go the extra mile and use emulator code illegally too…
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