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Everything posted by oscillik

  1. It's just the standard Windows 10 stuff, lad
  2. Just got home and fired up watmm, and the theme is all weird now. Lots of weird drop shadow effects that seem unfinished
  3. Ahhh yeah, so it's not Linux it's UNIX (BSD is classed as proper UNIX). Still a PC though. But yeah, that's why it's hilarious — it can totally be ported (considerably easily) to PC, but they won't. Because exclusivity. Which is even funnier considering that the margins on console hardware are pretty slim, and they make the money from games sales...
  4. It is a PC. It uses PC architecture, and runs a Linux kernel. As far as background processes, unless you're running a PC that is 8 years old, background processes are irrelevant. My current rig absolutely fucking trounces every console out there, and will do for quite a while. It'll also likely trounce the next gen consoles too. The only barrier to making it compatible with Windows PCs is making the controls work for keyboard and mouse users. The actual code is built for the x86-64 architecture, so it's not a code compatibility issue or little-endian / big-endian issue
  5. Quake II RTX is being released 6th June as a 3 level demo, that will work for the whole game if you own it https://www.engadget.com/2019/05/27/nvidia-is-giving-away-the-quake-ii-ray-tracing-demo-on-june-6t/
  6. Took this in a bourgeois shoe shop in Liverpool that I was doing a DJ set in today. Cool mirrored walls on the staircase. Had to.
  7. oh god, just fucking rename this site weaboo the music makers
  8. 着信ヘンタイスレッド
  9. awesome. you are now required to post in japanese, moving forward. this will be a boon to your education, and will justify your posting aesthetic. i look forward to seeing your japanese posts.
  10. Where's my @Alcofribas review of the new forum?
  11. Didn't realise they taught Arabic in the emerald isle
  12. Ahem, akshually those are photos, not scans @Joyrex But yeah, quite interesting…smells like a fake!
  13. @Joyrex do you have the ability, as a mod, to make tag aliases? so like, @poopypants can be made an alias for @dr lopez
  14. I use LastPass, and I have it locked with a YubiKey as a 2FA method.
  15. Actually I agree with the password thing — too many people use one easy to remember password across all their online services. And if just one online service gets hacked, then the attackers have access to everything. Use a password manager.
  16. Thanks, although I have my early mid-life crisis to thank for it
  17. So I managed to alleviate it a bit by switching from DirectX 11 rendering to Vulkan. Can't recommend running in DirectX with this one
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