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Everything posted by oscillik

  1. Showing off poor engine coding, more like. Fuck me.
  2. Eeeesh, I take it back — running the game kicks my system up a notch, no idea why — it's not a taxing game at all. Wolfenstein: The New Order doesn't even push it this hard.
  3. Oh fuck yes — I can use Ctrl+Return to submit reply again!
  4. Playing it now. This is how re-releases need to be done!
  5. So I've just looked into it a bit more, and it's actually available to buy right now on GOG.com
  6. That's weird, it was working for me earlier when I replied to that post.
  7. I'm (trying) to get back into making music again after a long hiatus. I bought Redux a while back, so I'm gonna keep an eye open here
  8. That's the one! Proper awesome stuff
  9. I can't remember what this thing is called, it's got 4 letters in its name, and it's like a portable sampler but it keys off of electromagnetic interference or something? It's proper cool. Want want.
  10. Yes I've been waiting for this, since the only way to run Blood outside of DOSBox currently is via a Java app.
  11. Might be a good idea to get checked ?
  12. They’re not green though…
  13. Ahh, in that case it's likely an issue with Firefox rendering engine tbh
  14. If you're using a Chromium based browser, try this browser extension and play around with the font settings to see if it helps?
  15. Looks like an issue with your browser / font set up. I'm looking at this right now on a Surface Pro 6, with a High DPI display (running at 200% DPI), which is prone to having issues like this on sites that aren't optimised. NuWatemm looks fine for me
  16. It's still shambling along. Maybe that dubTURBO thing worked out?
  17. Yeah that's what Joyrex said, a groups permissions issue (I also still cannot @ tag people). The problem (as I just found out) also affects quoting. Also, where is the +260 pixels? FFS
  18. Joyrex since the upgrade, I can't access the LTM secret subform. What's up with that, lad?
  19. Wait, this may be a false flag — I just checked going to twitter.com (I'm using library connection at the moment) and it seems Twitter is blocked. sorry for not doing a thorough bug check
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