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Everything posted by Ense

  1. Ense

    Autechre - SYptixed

    glad you like it! the main clock was slightly modulated, no fixed grid
  2. Ense

    Autechre - SYptixed

    Loved it so much (and still love it by the way) that i made a some tracks totally inspired by it at that time... here an example: https://soundcloud.com/temposlope/gridless-senselens much more basic! hope you like it anyway.
  3. they said on twitter that some sort of scale detection from audio recordings is high on their list for future additions! that would be really nice for me!
  4. https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:sCrLvLiPuBcJ:https://oddsound.com/+&cd=2&hl=it&ct=clnk&gl=it btw long time lurker first time poster hi everyone!
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