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Everything posted by tbf

  1. I been hearing Elektron derailed for a while now, and I guess it shows in their somewhat erratic product development agenda. kinda feels like they struggle as a company, being one of the few out there who really try to innovate, imo I got my gear jacked a couple years back and lost my octatrack, which is the brain of my live modular rig. long story short, after getting in touch with them through some friends they kindly offered me a new one, but the whole process was inconceivably chaotic, which I later found out it was because they were going through a significant internal reform of sorts, with lay offs and whatnot. anyway, I've owned an OT for about 7 years, so I vouch for it, and it is an important tool for me. at this point I feel like the Rytm might be the most powerful of the lot, really want to get my hands on one, but at 10k in my currency that'll have to wait. it really depends on what you're looking for, but the OT probably takes a lot longer to get your head around, as it offers loads more possibilities
  2. that's a very nice rendering, indeed
  3. well, now you're trying to compare "absurd" between two completely distinct genres. wether the motivation for it suits you or not, almost everything that makes mission impossible entertaining is borderline ridiculous in terms of veracity. it's not a masterpiece, and it probably got all of that prestige from industry clique mentality, as it usually goes. but what I noticed about every harsh critique of this movie is that it usually comes from a place of privilege. no, I'm not trying to take it there, but seeing how this movie resonated in a inequality and poverty strung country, and most every other 3rd world country, the criticism I see is mostly related the more superficial aspects of it, which makes sense if you don't find the subject that much relatable. it's totally fine if you're looking for plain entertainment and that particular movie didn't cut it for you, though frankly, don't even care, babe
  4. I ended up bumping into this, which surpassed expectations by a lot. I thought it was just about science when it's a philosophical conversation about beauty correlating symmetry and chaos, science and art while exploring the very concept of beauty, all of that using CERN and physics as an anchor. thought it was very interesting
  5. does this honestly have any chance of going further without Trump as an active poster boy in the big media? sort of feels like it's just gonna die out barking
  6. I'm sorry for your loss, mate I haven't tried it yet, but probably will as this rubber coating fad isn't going away soon, tragically. I'm weary of my mpc live's fate, my mate's turned into a mush too. maybe keeping it in its case may have helped but my 2nd hand HN4 Pro still looks pristine after a couple of years even with the high air humidity here
  7. the processing on the break is fucking amazing, that shit slaps so good
  8. that's a bit like saying mission impossible is far-fetched. the movie is pretty upfront about its own absurdity, from beginning to end. it uses that absurdity as a comical narrative device so it can explore all these different subtleties in the characters' social relations, which is the whole point of the movie this sounds like it was made on an MC-505, all them rave soundz and it's not like they're trying to hide it either. the thing is supposed to be a VFX boasting live action version of the video game innit?
  9. can we agree that this is nothing but corporate art's biggest attempt at achieving a legitimate status as something to be taken seriously by buying its way into prestige?
  10. the physics is actually pretty well worked out, which is why I liked it better than Inception, sadly for Nolan that Donald Duck comic didn't go into enough details to save his plot. I still find it amusing to watch these megalomaniac Hollywood ridiculous budget blockbusters from time to time, there's something freeing about self-indulging in this wanna-be-bigger-than-god-itself kind of pretention, and you also get to laugh about it afterwards Tarantino cited it as one of his top movies of all time, from that moment on it surpassed "cult" status to "hypster" I beg to differ, sire. it's quite a feat to inject this type of critique into such a mainstream format, and that's something Bong Joon-Ho managed to do with meticulous technique, which is why it got so much attention, otherwise it would've been just another cult highlight. I think it's a very valid commentary, especially for mainstream audiences to watch and be left wondering about. the metaphors are plain and simple, yet accurate, which is one of the movie's biggest strengths, as it doesn't interfere with the plot, only supports it. I thought it was a pretty solid movie. as for Mortal Kombat, I'm positive it will be bad but I'm gonna try to watch it with my 6 year old self in mind like the first one, that shit was a childhood staple. Christopher Lambert was at the premier, I got to meet fucking Raiden
  11. almost broke the damn thing. but 'twas a real iOpener, I tells ya
  12. I think that's pretty accurate, but you gotta take into account that what mostly made it so big was the medium. these guys basically figured out the best way to make the most out of Jim's long lasting web business, power-wise. I mean, they're clearly eccentric people, and reasonably detached from reality. if Jim is already quite the character, I can't even begin to imagine what must be like to be raised by him. bottomline is, they seem like bored people with access to a lot of power and not much of a moral compass - which might be a big understatement. what I'm saying is, this whole thing wouldn't have gotten half as far if it wasn't for the anonymity. shit would've probably been a bigger shit show than tiger king if it was up to their personas to hold up the plot. and I mean, even with the anonymity AND all of the power of controlling the site they still managed to fuck up. at least they were wise enough to pick an audience as gullible as fish
  13. wow, I would expect a better music sharing implementation on a music focused forum.. oh well thanks for clearing it up!
  14. counting on your tolerance for self promotion, but this has a lot of electro in it. if only I could get the player to embed correctly.. https://dominalabel.bandcamp.com/album/phase-in-ep-dom011
  15. yes, good editing keeps you on track, so it has the power to slip you into one track, if that's the intention. I mean, in a docu about conspiracies, you're constantly aiming to crack the code, so I, for example, was left with 2 questions, one that the editing simply veered away from and the other as a projection of the paranoia the subject instates. the former was, if at one point someone took over, and the director made sure to keep the eyes on Ron as the "second" Q, then who first started on 4chan? the AI analyses got me curious, and that seemed to have little to no importance along those 6hs of plot bluid up. which takes me to the second question I was left with. the series focus a lot on the relationship between actors, and rightfully so, but that means that with such constant manipulation of facts and appearances, the very internal 8chan drama could just as easily been staged. maybe even fred was playing a role up until whatever point no idea who that is, can you fill me in on her credentials?
  16. thought about making a witty remark on how pathetic this is but the world is pretty much fucked at the moment, this is just one symptom
  17. did any of you watch Q: Into the Storm? it's as far as I've gone regarding this subject, and although very entertaining I'd like to know how accurate it is. the editing is pretty damn good, and I hate how misleading that can be
  18. I agree it's a really douchey move. still think it's funny though.. in a very douchey way
  19. that's a good find, sounds remarkably close. btw, since we're here. I found a pretty similar case the other day. the intros:
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