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Everything posted by thumbass

  1. Great album! This is grabbing me môre than their last few projects. They also said this had been their highest and fastest selling album in recent memory so i am happy for them ?
  2. How do I implement a banner on my profile?
  3. This might become one of my favorite monolake albums
  4. Clicked with me just now, reallllly into this. Bought the CD to support them
  5. Neeeeed to dive into this asap! Completely forgot about this tbh?
  6. The last one was good although not that original. I am looking forward to this one though
  7. imagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine itimagine it
  8. Pretty good album imo, not that huge into minimal techno since i feel like it sounds a bit derivative and too simple at times but i can appreciate this
  9. The released a new album today called fragments: https://duststoredigital.com/album/fragments
  10. Hahaha I wouldnt say that about myself but id like tot making the country more equal. Tentions between white, black and coloured people are rising again and i detest it. I just don't get why and how people can hate each other so much all the time...
  11. No i appreciate any advice that i get! And you are quite right, i did choose a pretty bad study if i do really want to move. Thankfully this is my first year and i can always switch. The problem is the urge tot move had faded away a little. I can still always decide to move later but right now i think I'm going to stay here and keep studying law. The country i live in is deeply divided and full of unrest but it's still my country.
  12. Think im gonna enjoy this release, previews sound good
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