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Everything posted by Genoxied

  1. Hi, XOX, i haven´t read it. Hi Mozex, thanks In what minut and second, for example?
  2. Hi, thanks for your words! A few words to give context... Its faint form emerges in the silent space, A starship from the edge of the stars. Through the planets, little humans who are wrapped in black velvet shroud, silent space. Sounds static on the radio. Voices of other times, in the silent space.
  3. Hi, this is my first post in this forum. Under the name of Genox Project, "The Starship of ten thousand years" is the last musical demo in which I hope to work before devoting my free time to writing. It is, and that is why it is not surprising, a project linked to the cinema and science fiction literature, which tells a story, which I will also develop in the form of different science fiction stories, one for each theme of the album. The musical themes will be linked, and I will upload them here as I do them, more regularly starting in January next year."Approach" puts music to a story that deals with the sudden appearance of a starship of unknown origin in the solar system. https://soundcloud.com/habitante-133/genox-project-the-starship-of-ten-thousand-years-part-1-approach
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