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Knob Twiddlers
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Status Replies posted by dcom

  1. I've been on this site over 10 years. 


    Good god. 

  2. tfw I've muted the tab but I still get notification sounds

    1. dcom


      Account Settings > Notification Settings > Play a sound when notifications are received > uncheck.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. can someone tell me what the reaction "Farnsworth" means?

    1. dcom


      I've thought that it's when someone is really detailedly geeking out on something, flexing their knowledge (whether valid or not), being a know-it-all - but there's probably more nuance and variability than that; he's a character from Futurama, so I guess it's meant to reflect some of his personality characteristics. I'm still looking for a definitive explanation on the burger reaction, but I suppose it's whatever you want it to be.

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