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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dcom

  1. OK, thank you for clearing that up, now I feel like a twat - but then cunt would work as a general insult towards any non-Australian English. Add racial epithets to the mix and you can probably get a rise out of most people.
  2. Wouldn't be surprised as they're cunts, too. But I have to admit that it's more prevalent with the Ozzies.
  3. Tell that my UK and Australian friends.
  4. If you're after imaginative insults, look no further than the Scottish; they've got it covered, although they're not that easy to understand (unless translated or you've read a lot of Irvine Welsh).
  5. That exchange student must've been a bit posh, because in common UK/Australian vernacular cunt is an extremely flexible word, from an insult to calling someone a true friend. I guess douche could be a matching US insult, yet again something to do with female genitalia.
  6. It depends on your audience, calling someone a cunt in the US will make them recoil in horror, in the UK or Australia it can be a term of endearment. Racist epithets are always a safe bet. It's always been very disturbing to me that there are countless (sex and promiscuity related) words to insult women with, but only a few you can insulta a man with.
  7. Ah, nice - he's a new name to me, which is surprising due to the lengthy duration both of us have been involved in electronic music. Looking forward to trawling his discography, there's a lot to digest.
  8. Brainy dancey IDM from Hungary, waiting for the complete release before making judgement, but interesting enough to note.
  9. Synkretic's first album, skits and stabs worth checking out. Recommended.
  10. Will be available from DiN's Bandcamp. Previous releases in the series are worth checking out, too.
  11. Six pieces of neo-nostalgic breakbeat hardcore bleep from Sound Science (i.e. Jack Smooth), Mike Ash, Jerome Hill, Scanone, Meat Beat Manifesto, and Hooverian Blur - summoning the spirit of raves of bygone days. Highly recommended.
  12. Are You a Language Bully? People Who Constantly Point Out Grammar Mistakes Are Pretty Much Jerks, Scientists Find.
  13. dcom


    Proxima Centauri shoots out humongous flare, with big implications for alien life (Space.com)
  14. I commented for the benefit of those who might not know, it would be rather odd if you didn't.
  15. I saw him on that same tour here in Helsinki, it was great.
  16. Gary Numan is premiering his upcoming album Intruder with an online concert on June 17th. Tickets come up for sale on May 6th, unless you've pre-bought the album, in which case you get a discount code and tickets will be available a day earlier. The album is released on May 21st.
  17. Documentary about The New Romantics.
  18. dcom

    Now Reading

    OR Books has a May Day sale for a week, all e-books 1 USD, all paperbacks 50 % off. I've bought nearly 50 books from their catalog, so check it out - highly recommended.
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