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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dcom

  1. These are about 20 years old. They're potato quality (I think the sources are 128 kbit CBR MP3s), and the original WAVs were lost in a HD crash, but I still like them.
  2. Definitely, it's a bit awkward that his discography is mostly vinyl only on labels like Distant Worlds, Magnonic Signals, Ferox and Serenity, but everything's worth checking out.
  3. I'm gen X (1974), though I prefer Coupland's Microserfs over Generation X. I've read Microserfs about once a year since it was published. When I was a teenager, stupid things, even bloody awful mistakes and social faux pas were relatively quickly forgotten - now almost everything is public whether you want it or not, everything will be remembered and accessible forever by the internet, ruining your life in various ways even after you're gone. I was bullied hard for being a weirdo (there wasn't proper diagnostic criteria for Asperger's yet) but there was no permanent psychological or physical damage (I was brought up to be a resilient weirdo) - now cyberbullying, technologically amplified and public, drives children to suicide. I wouldn't want to be any younger than I am - at the same time I'm already worried about how I'm going to teach my son to navigate life as he gets older, as everything seems to get progressively more FUBARed. I sort of miss the days in my youth when I would just listen to vinyls and CDs, read books and comics, watch movies through the nights, muck about with my Amiga, play RPGs and board games with other weirdos, etc. - I can still do the same things, but the arbitrariness of the kind of freedom is gone - things have to be scheduled and timeboxed. I definitely miss the feeling of subjective time stretching to ridiculous lengths - weekend and summer days that seemed to last forever - now days just slip by silently like a fleet of Teslas on a freeway. Even the whole pandemic thing, almost a year - barely a blip on the radar. I prefer solitude anyway. I'm glad I'm still a weirdo, but a relatively stable and content one (although it requires some daily psychopharmacology).
  4. Octave Compass - visualize scales and chords.
  5. It's a beast of a compilation, peak-time top-shelf electro.
  6. I've been under the impression that burgers could be used in the assburger aka Asperger's sense, someone being overly and overtly pedantic, obsessive-compulsive in a somewhat non-serious way; Farnsworth is in the same category, but in a more serious - even scientific or academic - way. I've not seen them as inherently negative or positive, but depending on the context; they can be used as a negative, milder versions of the facepalm or as a positive, something of a I see what you did there. I've crawled through the forum to find out the semantics of burgers and Farnsworths, but there's no definitive spec for them - but then again, I've been here less than a year so I might be missing some nuance that only comes with continued exposure.
  7. Contains Aphex Twin, Autechre, Boards of Canada, NIN, and more.
  8. How about now? I always fall in the same trap when copying images from Photos... I copy-paste but it doesn't actually copy the the image from clipboard like Slack does.
  9. Ahh, Amiga. Here's my A2000, still working after 30+ years. A2630 030/882 @ 25MHz, 128M Fast/1M Chip + other goodies. I've got a ZZ9000 I haven't yet installed, that's going to be a cool upgrade.
  10. Articles on Expert guide to conspiracy theories (The Conversation)
  11. How Finland starts its fight against fake news in primary schools (The Guardian)
  12. I see what they did there with the MDMA.
  13. Of course all the Gescoms and Lego Feet as well.
  14. I've got them all as well, albums on both vinyl and CD, EPs on vinyl and the EPs 1991-2002 box. I haven't even opened the shrinkwrap on Quaristice (vinyl) and NTS Sessions (vinyl and CD). I really should get the Hafler Trio collabs at some point, too. I inadvertently purchased duplicates of Keynell and EP 7.1 when they came out.
  15. Puddles Pity Party is amazing. His Bowie covers are exquisite.
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