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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dcom

  1. The digitals were released on May 12th, I probably wouldn't have noticed but I got the release notification from Bandcamp. (I really don't like the fact that Bandcamp new release announcements and actual releases have nothing in the title to differentiate them ["New release from X"], I mostly want to know when I'm able to check out all the tracks - a lot of the announcements are just teasers, some without any tracks to preview. Yeah, I could set up an email filter that checks the content for "just announced"/"just released", but still.)
  2. Nice one, didn't know there wasn't a vinyl pressing for half the tracks until now.
  3. And yeah, I've got about everything else by him, too - the compilations, whether physical or digital. Everyone should have some Milstein in their collection.
  4. Oh, I made a typo in the first date, it was supposed to be 2010, not 2019. Fixed.
  5. I've been following him real close after Hide/Away and Procrastinate on Outside, the Doctor Evil on Touchin' Bass is essential. I remember ordering some Buried in Time releases directly from you like aeons ago, you threw in some CDrs as well. I've got BIT001-006, you threw in 001-005 when I ordered Habituation (2010-09-15) - and later, I ordered Milstein's 009 (2011-01-28) - I've got the emails right here. The Bot. EP is great, too, and I noticed I'm missing BOT.004-005, maybe should get them sooner or later.
  6. I wish Ben Milstein released more, I've got all of his physical releases and the latest non-compilation release is Sleeping Robot...
  7. I get to hear Contrapoint and Interlagos for the first time with zero wobble from the off-center pressing. I've waited 27 years for it.
  8. Oh, and all albums by Koop (Sons of, Waltz for, Islands - Waltz for Alternative takes has its moments, too). Whenever There Is You was our wedding dance. If Summer Sun doesn't make you happy, there's something wrong with you. Yukimi Nagano's vocals are sublime - I believe she was 17 at the time.
  9. This is a track that never fails to elevate me; there was a different - better - version (Yonderhead [version 2011]) available on YT some years back, with even better orchestration - it's an exquisitely beautiful track, and Feiner's voice complements it in a way that's really rare. This version's from Anywhen's The Opiates Revised (YouTube), an intimidating and amazingly beautiful album that became the band's last. There are no bad tracks on it, and Feiner's voice carries like a beacon through everything, his expressive range is huge - especially Dinah And The Beautiful Blue, Yonderhead, Toy and For Now. This is one of the rare albums I keep going back to and always sounds better than I remembered. Only the Revised version has Yonderhead and For Now, and it's missing Where's The Hight from the original - but if you decide to get a copy, go for the Revised one (it's actually a bit pricey).
  10. I just bought a copy of Jay & Silent Bob Reboot OST to the get the extended version of Q Lazzarus' Goodbye Horses. Really tempted to get the vinyl version of the OST to have this track playable from vinyl. This track was featured on Jonathan Demme's Silence of the Lambs; Q Lazzarus on her unwanted fame. Vinyl copies for the original release go for 500+ USD on Discogs. Married to the Mob's OST has the 7" version, might get that at some point too.
  11. I went through the trouble of getting a duplicate of this and for La Sources, all available editions on vinyl (black, clear, magenta for #1, black and red for #2) and of course digital as well. Waiting for the digital of Nuron/Fugue...
  12. Just 12 People Are Behind Most Vaccine Hoaxes On Social Media, Research Shows (NPR)
  13. I already had Anther on Steeplejack on my wishlist, thank you for reminding me to check them out a bit better.
  14. Patterned Media's first compilation with an impressive roster of artists, sounding effin' good. Bandcamp pre-order. Shout out to our @ignatius for appearance. Highly recommended.
  15. I know that UK has the largest number of CCTV cameras anywhere, and I just read today about EU citizens getting locked up and expelled. I have a couple of Finnish friends living in London, and they've been harassed because they're not British. The Brexit fallout's been weird, and COVID-19 on top of that, it's probably quite a mess over there.
  16. More added: Can, Saw Delight, Unlimited Edition, Tago Mago (40th Anniversary Edition), Rite Time, and Out Of Reach.
  17. Would you care to elaborate on that, what are they doing? This is a serious question, I would like to understand what you're talking about - I know Tories are British conservatives, but I'm not following the UK that closely.
  18. Finland has currently 36 % coverage for first dose, if the vaccination velocity is maintained, 70 % will be reached 2nd of August. The problem is that the weather's been uncharacteristically nice, and here in Helsinki the city parks have been filling up daily with non-masked non-distancing people, some with 500+ people in very close proximity to each other. The police have been emptying the parks daily, and people have just left all of their trash in the parks, so it's been a daily sorry scene. Most people in the parks are younger, under-30 crowd, whose vaccinations are still weeks, if not months away. The vaccines are making headway and the amount of daily/weekly infections is declining, but I fear there will be setbacks and the vaccination velocity won't be maintained. Summer is coming, and people stop caring.
  19. OH THE HUMANITY. We've honed and polished our taste to perfection and they just do a drive-by and throw their excrement at us. HOW DARE THEY?
  20. What do you care what other people think? I never read reviews, I trawl for releases myself on Bandcamp, SoundCloud and various other sources release by release (yes, that takes a considerable amount of my time), almost never buy or listen to anything on anyone's recommendation - although WATMM has modified that last behaviour considerably since I joined, a huge thank you for all who are posting things that I haven't encountered (and probably wouldn't otherwise). Shops and websites doing reviews are simpleton commercial filters catering to a target market. I distrust that particular flavour. I'm the curator and arbiter of the music I buy and listen, marketing and algorithms be damned.
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