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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dcom

  1. No adverse side-effects, the injection spot on my left upper arm had less than two days of pain when pressure was applied - and that's from physical tissue damage from the needle.
  2. Received a notification from FedEx that the package will be delivered tomorrow (I ended up splurging for the full vinyl + t-shirt set). Excited.
  3. It's relevant only if the actual item's value goes over 22 €, in this case postage was 7,80 €, making the total 29,79 €. Here's a screenshot of the Finnish Customs' calculator with the details (click to enlarge). If the record would've cost 0,02 € more, I would've had to pay a 24 % VAT of 7,15 € (for record and shipping combined). Customs duty is carried only if the item's value exceeds 150 €, and it's dependent on the type of goods declared; vinyl records are exempt, as are most other things I usually get (books, comics, board games).
  4. Cleared Finnish customs, had to declare, but when the value of the item is under 22 € or the item's VAT would be under 5 €, nothing needs to be paid - the record cost 21,99 €. Now it's the postal service's turn to deliver. When? WHEN? W H E N
  5. I have Rifts as a 3xCD version, haven't liked anything else. I've bought R Plus Seven and Garden Of Delete from Bleep sales, but have probably listened to them three times at the most. Rifts, too many to count. The BRITS track with The Weeknd is just... pop, vaguely synthy, evoking nothing.
  6. That's what I meant when I wrote that "It's of course easy to argue that creating a DAW with a Western base tuning system starts with an assumption that it's what people will and want to use" - which you did, but I also wrote that "and such an absolute assumption is by default wrong and it should be checked." I agree with you, but you responded like I didn't address the issue.
  7. Betty Boop - Bimbo's Initiation (1931)
  8. Easily tunable string instruments can be tuned however the player wants, but there's an implicit pressure to use a tuning that takes into account the instrument's cultural history and background. A six-string guitar with a Western tuning is not a tool of oppression, nor is an Oud.
  9. Even DAWs need to be woke these days; it's a welcome progress, but I'm getting a bit tired with the ever-fragmenting inclusivity rhetoric. Change starts with language and checking assumptions, but DAWs using Western tuning systems are not a form of oppression or colonization. It's of course easy to argue that creating a DAW with a Western base tuning system starts with an assumption that it's what people will and want to use, and such an absolute assumption is by default wrong and it should be checked - it's not like DAW software companies are forcing anyone to use them. Makes clickable headlines and copy, though.
  10. Thank you for posting that, it was an interesting article.
  11. This is a topic created to accommodate you; it's even tagged all Zeff all the time. This thread is nothing if not all about you and your ego orbiting around your ideological core. Yes, I'm way more interested in observing your psychopathologies than in your regurgitation of socialist dogmatic drivel, but you are an integral part of this thread being what it is - and as such on topic whether you want it or not. I'll STFU now, I've had my fill.
  12. So you're just virtually LARPing a socialist on the internet for shits and giggles, all theory, no practice. That's all I needed to know, KTHXBAI.
  13. Do you have skin in the game? What are you doing in the real, physical world to advance your ideology? Are you organizing rallies? Are you publishing samizdat? Are you seizing the means of production? What are you really doing to right the wrongs, upsetting the balance of power, toppling the capitalists, bayoneting the bourgeoisie, redistributing the wealth, sabotaging the government violence monopoly? What are you doing besides being insulting towards people you don't know on an electronic music discussion forum on the internet?
  14. I don't think your method of insulting everyone repeatedly until they confirm your illusory superiority is working. Paraphrasing that one politically opinionated bearded hipster guy, you are repeating yourself, first as tragedy, then as farce.
  15. It was supposed to be humorous, you know, the book being The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, the dramatic arc of the current conversation being at a point where most participants are out of fucks to give? Referring to a book with the word subtle and fuck in the title as "not very subtle or intellectual"? I almost always need to explain when I'm trying to be funny, so I maintain my position that I'm so bad at it that I should just keep to being serious. Seriously.
  16. I've been working on web application backends for 25+ years, from hardware, networks and infrastructure to administration, software development, devops, security and integrations. I'm a self-taught generalist, not an engineer, but no-one's asked for any professional qualifications since last millennium. I tried management/leadership for a few years, it was fun but less challenging and interesting than twiddling bits and bytes - I'm more useful as a technology person so I'm not climbing any corporate ladders (I dislike the social games on the way up, too). I've been doing this for so long and have enough experience to safely say that I'll always have a job. I prefer and have chosen to be employed on a monthly salary than go for startups or become an entrepeneur myself. I won't get rich but I'm comfortable enough, not Silicon Valley comfortable with fuck you money, just enough.
  17. Who was that politically opinionated bearded hipster guy that said "religion is the opium of the people"?
  18. It's really something else to see Esa control Impulse Tracker manually by computer keyboard when performing live, amazing.
  19. Glad to hear Esa is still making music, here's his Bandcamp day release. Worth checking out.
  20. Yet another Altered Sense digital self-release, I'm happy as a clam as these are getting digital releases in rapid succession. Recommended.
  21. Bandcamp day release.
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