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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by tec

  1. Kaen! What's the best Elder Scrolls game for the PS4? I couldn't get into The Witcher and I miss that world.
  2. tec

    Now Reading

    I read Harvest by Jim Crace and couldn't get into it at all, is his other stuff better? Maybe it's just not to my tastes.
  3. His brother died from the bottle, if he was a pisshead his tweets would be understandable rather than terrifying.
  4. tec


    I was so happy Nadine had that store. The song at the end wasn't too great, sounded auto-tuned.
  5. Hard to be a god? Screamers? I might have to get back to you, I'm not sure either fit the bill.
  6. tec


    That was some nasty fucking armpit. Was that blonde bird in the band at the end Laura Dern's daughter? They look very similar.
  7. I bloody love Elijah Wood. He could sit on his arse getting fat from that hobbit money coming in but he stars in and helps produce weird horror films. Also, there was that video of him at that aphex show and he seemed cool.
  8. Cartman is a fat spoilt bastard too but he is also a bit of an evil genius. Trump is just evil.
  9. He took six minutes to send that second tweet and still thought it was a good idea.
  10. Oh god, the first twenty minutes must have been heartbreaking for those really looking forward to it when they realised that was pretty much the game.
  11. One of the blessings of being shit at video games is discovering all the fun ways you die.
  12. Bored of Fallout 4 as it's basically Fallout 3 so fired up Doom. I fell in some lava and the marine done the Terminator 2 thumbs up.
  13. tec


    Yeah I thought it might be her until they showed her from close up. Episodes like this make me miss keanu reeves, he's not been here for awhile.
  14. tec


    Ha I thought this too, I know Lynch directed one of their videos but still felt like I'd imagined it.
  15. tec


    I think he's doing it on purpose, I'm fairly sure I have seen other wind-ups he's done.
  16. tec


    the "fuck you, tammy" got a huge lol. 'tempered' diane might have saved the series from blatant fan-service. liked this episode. things finally seem to pick up. still waiting for coops first full sentence though yeh I gave a hearty lol to the fuck you tammy- I think lynch knows shes a terrible actress so added that in for the lollllssssss the "fuck you, tammy" got a huge lol. 'tempered' diane might have saved the series from blatant fan-service. liked this episode. things finally seem to pick up. still waiting for coops first full sentence though yeh I gave a hearty lol to the fuck you tammy- I think lynch knows shes a terrible actress so added that in for the lollllssssss my wife has been a very, very gradual fan of laura dern - not liking her to liking her in some movies, to slowly warming up to enjoying her being cast in this. after that fuck you tammy line she was like "I love her.". Laura Dern is awesome, she knocks it out the park in Inland Empire.
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