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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by tec

  1. "We tried to open a portal to Hell, right here in the staff canteen". I had hoped for more surrealism at the conclusion but I still enjoyed it. Lustmord is my favourite dark ambient artist and hearing his sounds over a few minutes of hooded weirdos and shifting galaxies was time well spent. It's worth noting that I am more forgiving of horror films than I am of close friends and relatives.
  2. tec

    Now Reading

    Into The Woods by John Yorke. If I keep reading books about writing I don't actually need to do it right?
  3. tec

    Fyre Festival

    *jots it down for next most IDM competition*
  4. tec

    Fyre Festival

    lol I hope this experience makes them all better people.
  5. tec


    Another book planned later in the year. First one looked a lot better than it read, I'll buy it anyway.
  6. Uh oh, I was hoping that High-rise would be just a bit of a wobble for Wheatley.
  7. I got a lot of time for Hellraiser 3, it's really fun when Pinhead crashes the night club and that bloke shoots CD's from his head. The worst thing a horror film can be is boring.
  8. Thanks, that sounds intriguing. I've had it for months but never got round to playing it yet.
  9. Man, if this is the last of the jedis what are the other fifty Star Wars films Disney are going to make be about? George, come back!
  10. Shin Godzilla - besides one bit when he shoots lasers out his back this was quite dull. Your Name - daytime soap opera mixed with bad sci-fi. This bloke is not the new studio ghibli.
  11. Finished Dying Light, really enjoyed it but wish you didn't become so powerful as you level up. The game was at its best when your hiding on the top of a building trying to escape the zombies waiting below.
  12. That exorcism scene was class and I'm a pussyfoot vegetarian.
  13. Prepare for the dumbest plot twist you're ever going to witness. Haha, what makes it worse is that throughout the game it lets you hear their thoughts and it doesn't pop up at all.
  14. Tenebrae - the first giallo film I've ever enjoyed, didn't know how badly Justice ripped off the awesome music!
  15. tec

    Now Reading

    and I couldn't put my finger on why I couldn't get past page 12 The main character of s sci-fi epic being called Paul always done it for me.
  16. tec

    Now Reading

    ^I definitely wouldn't, I high-fived him at a screening and felt the need to wash my hand immediately.
  17. Cool, I hear it's quite grisly so I'm waiting for when I'm in the right mood.
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