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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by tec

  1. ‘Night is Short, Walk on Girl’ - My girlfriend was in the mood for an animated film so I frantically searched for something half interesting before she settled on some Pixar shit. Aside from the love interest being a stalker this was genuinely funny, quite odd, and the style of drawing was cool. Recommend.

  2. 12 hours ago, beer badger said:

    Don't hate me, and a little of Sunday beer talking but in a weird way I think only somebody as intelligent but equally eccentric like Boris will dig us out this Brexit hole we are in. I know it's not cool to speak in favour of a Tory politician but I just don't see any other way out. The wild card factor will work in our favour, I honestly believe that. 

    (I hope)





    What are you basing any of this on?

  3. I watched it a few years ago so not blaming you, if I’d watched it on your recommendation you’d have a red hot inbox. It’s actually a good film but those scenes really do tarnish everything that comes before and after, fucking hell.

    Anyway. Has anyone seen Children of the Stones?

  4. On 7/12/2019 at 6:20 PM, cwmbrancity said:

    Wake In Fright, the Australian psych-weird foray into booze, dust, screaming heat & fucked up locals, might fit in this category by corollary. It’s a bit like Straw Dogs in that humans are the real threat, no ghosts or goblins, but it has a sense of unease that’s very rare & Donald Pleasence rrrrrrocks.



    Worth pointing out that there’s a scene in this where they go out shooting kangaroos at night and it is fucking brutal. Wish I had been warned.

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  5. Whilst I was reading it I had a scooter and drove all over London, I knew the city like the inside of my tiny house, but there’s areas which still seemed difficult to reach. I did write below the Westway comes to mind but a simple google search has shown strong evidence this is what Ballard had in mind. It’s really not difficult to imagine such a place existing.

  6. 7 hours ago, MIXL2 said:




    this is what we know, apparently work on doing a proper release of the vaults has been going since atleast 2008 and it's v time consuming, we got th in 2013 and they have been busy w personal stuff then proper silence since 2015 (until now I guess.. kinda?)

    so who knows!

    lol this is like Joyrex talking about finishing the site.

    They can do what they like but I’ve always admired artists who are always trying to release new stuff, the mystique they try to cultivate arguably wore thin around Geogaddi. I like the Mark E Smith mentality of it being  job so get on with it. I hope they’re at least doing nice things like baking and painting rather than obsessing over drum sounds for all this time.

  7. Bloody obvious but I was reminded yesterday how narrow the Brexit result was, with 51.89% on leave and 48.11% remain. No wonder nothing can be decided upon, to think we should cause such a massive upheavel on a victory of that slim a margin is fucking mental no matter which way you voted.

  8. Tuition fees that only encourage the rich to pursue a degree yet the outrage over them is a joke. Definitely time to stop posting in this thread before I begin hurling insults out of utter rage. 

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