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Herr Jan

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Everything posted by Herr Jan

  1. No worries, like last few times, it's just soundcloud in general messing up again :)
  2. Smackos - The Age of Candy Candy will be reissued on vinyl by some label: http://www.residentadvisor.net/feed-item.aspx?id=87378 Already have the original Strange Life CDr so I'll pass, but nice to see it getting some attention. One of my fave ambient albums! Received that Nightwind tape I posted above last week too, great album. If you like Oberheim Space then don't sleep on this one!
  3. HOOOOO! YES! This is the assumed "sci-rem" track that Luke Vibert played in a recorded DJ set in 2006. Was bound to happen but glad it did now! And is that "Orphaned Deejay Selek 2006-8" a new release upcoming? edit: YES
  4. Ah yessssss! I was already fearing and hoping for this when I saw Grant posting about another special occurrence in our solar system ( Venus-Jupiter conjunction this evening ). My creditcard and cranium receptor unit can hardly cope with the cumulative colundi coolness coming all within a two week time span. And I say hardly because here I am again, very much enjoying Level 12 so far (only halfway through). Gratitude once more!
  5. Wow, a very nice find indeed @ that MTV Chillout track :) suprised that never surfaced before! Currently having a bit of a break from the soundcloud tracks, it has been so overwhelming and I felt a lot of tracks couldn't be appreciated for what they are because they were completely surrounded by quality & quantity. Have been shuffling a few random tracks from the earlier batches and some felt like new, some had a lot more impact then at first. Definitely seemed like a good time to stop / pause the uploads, these tracks will have years and years of repeated listens in them anyway!
  6. Den Haag? I was there too, front row along with the guys from Motorpsycho. :) Hah! Yes, that's the one :) I guess the room wasn't as empty as I remember? Shining, Aphex and your gig that night were all so mindblowing, that whole night was just an insane experience.
  7. They had a huge crew and helicopters helping out, the small audience had to hike for about 5 hours (I think) just to get there. Cameras (and drones) recorded the gig, which will be released on DVD later on I think: RE: the Lake Troll shit, actually the place they did the gig on is called Trolltunga, the troll tongue :)
  8. Yeah, I love Shining although I've stopped listening ever since that Black Jazz album. Grindstone is one of my fave albums of that era, seen them live a couple of times during that period and it was absolutely insane everytime. They played a festival in 2007 on the same night with Aphex Twin, there were only 20 people or so and me and a mate were the only ones in front of the stage (the rest standing / sitting against the walls), completely going berzerk over their "21st Century Schizoid Man" cover. Mønkeby is also a very nice chap! Was actually quite suprised to see them in the national news last week because of this awesome feat:
  9. Yeah, someone archives all the colundi tracks here (including some watmm'ers): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdzJ1PH2iO1xd5gWsgOS8og Besides that, Jodey Kendrick's Solid Curve is a colundi tuned track too. As far as sharing goes, I think Aleksi listed a lot of them on his website for years. Can't find them now anymore though.
  10. ^ that's proper raw, will have to sit down properly for that later. Cheers! Just bought me some nice records, including this magical tune: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcwpKihB0-8
  11. Shit, completely forgot the Xamiga one. Need to find that asap! The new Nightwind tapes are on sale, be quick! https://www.clone.nl/item35990.html http://shop.wichelroede.net/product/calimex-mental-implant-corp-el-saber-del-arpavor(former Godspill store)
  12. I love this album so much, don't play it often but when I do...
  13. That's also a sign that everyone seems really content with it up to this point though, so credits there man! Anyway, I'm all for the idea to give multiple points to a track, that was suggested a few times before too I think :) The monthly reset seems like overdoing it a bit to me, especially now that he has stopped uploading for the coming time. Beyond that, I'm missing a bit of direction in the poll. That's completely understandable, I know it's just an indication for Aphex to make compiling somewhat easier but that maybe makes it less engaging for some? Maybe it would be fun if you could select tracks that you'd especially like to have released on vinyl or CD or really want EQ'ed (just spouting ideas now). Like how Rephlex selected the best DJ tracks for the vinyl release next to the CD's (with EOD's releases for example). On top of the list of my OCD fueled desires are playlists based upon eras (in years or in terms of place: Lannerlog, Clissold, Bank, ...etc.), on which you can then place votes in each era.
  14. Decades of endless discussion, watmm's most wanted answer. That's it, we can all go home now :)
  15. This is just amazing, thank you EOD My standard playlist will now be the album + Artifacts (+ the podcast) Just like Quaristice + all variations, this is one big world to explore.
  16. Gone for a few days, come back to two new Colundi albums (+ the CN outtakes!)... So I immediately listened to these last night, and these two albums contain some of the best music I've ever heard. Some tracks just left me completely stunned. The bassline and percussion from UK74R1513030 feels like the ol' Urban Tribe jams mixed with the lushest of braindance. And then UK74R1513040 straight afterwards... Nothing but praise! So much standout tracks on both though, a lot to digest after just two listens :) I love how Aleksi built these levels up, the first few being introductionary, slowly getting more and more diverse / experimental. I certainly didn't expect samba whistles and cowbells (on UK74R1512110) in here, but I love it. Certified braindance © /10
  17. Thanks for clarifying Chen. I obviously picked out the wrong book, was having doubts between the Sweeney one and a book written by a NK defector and chose the former in hope it would give a broader perspective on it instead of just one story. Up until now it only compared NK to 'a glitch in the Matrix' as well as the Third Reich (so far without any explanation), uses the Team America character of Kim Jong-il as a thread throughout the book, has chapter titles like 'The Scariest Place On Earth', 'Zombie gods seep goo', 'Pissing on marble', 'God the fat boy Kim' and 'The Gulag Circus' (or even more subtle, 'The Man Who Went To North Korea And Came Back Mad') and has thusfar only used YouTube videos or dubious websites as sources in the footnotes. I really feel like finishing it now though, just so I can spot more Eurocentric elitism and simplistic sensationalism. If you have a title that gives a better / more objective and complete insight in NK be my guest btw! As you already saw, I'm having trouble finding a decent one.
  18. The name Laibach was banned by the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Slovenia, where they were based, was part of that) back when they started out. They were also prohibited from performing live after showing pictures of Tito next to pictures of a penis, so they started out as a rebellious band in the midst of a regime, mocking them in aesthetics. They were also accused of being extreme left and extreme right many times over the years. North Korea has to be aware of these things I reckon? It's maybe similar to Death In June's dubious interests in the totalitarian history of Europe. The problem is that (afaik) Laibach never actually told that they are a parody group so it's all pretty ambiguous. To me these NK gigs seem like the ultimate punchline to the Laibach concept, but I'm still a bit in the dark about how this could happen.
  19. ^ Hah, almost forgot about that. That is sort of explainable for me though, dictator likes a sport and invites famous sportsman. I do have serious doubts he is fan of Laibach's music, but who knows? I assume it's mostly related to their totalitarian aesthetic but NK don't seem to be in on the joke yet? Also, isn't it the first time a popular music group from Europe plays in North Korea?
  20. I recently bought John Sweeney's book he wrote about that trip, didn't know it was derived from this documentary, which was decent imo. Haven't continued reading the book yet as I was a bit put off by the way he seems to just belittle and make one big joke about how scary and ridiculous everything is, so far without any attempt to try and give an objective knowledgable view about the roots of the most fascinating state in modern history (to me). Maybe it'll get better, the docu was OK after all. I like those descriptions of those other books you mentioned, will try and find them. I'm always trying to look for insightful documentaries / books about NK so if you have any great ones, please share. For example, there's quite a few very intense stories about North Korean defectors on YT, like this one: Besides that there is that famous story of Dong Hyuk Shin (who turned out has fabricated a few things in his story, but still impressive) who was born in a prison camp because of a three generation punishment system, and escaped when in his 20's. There was a good docu on that (there are several) but can't seem to find it atm. Anyway, why I bumped this thread was because of Laibach performing in North Korea and I honestly wonder how this could possibly happen? It seems like a joke almost.
  21. http://www.discogs.com/EOD-EAP/master/554473 Holy crap. Thanks, I didn't know this even existed. Shit Bargain! https://eodtracks.bandcamp.com/album/eap Really top notch stuff in there :)
  22. Bump, but this wonderful nation has invited someone very special to do a gig or two in Pyongyang: http://mute.com/laibach/announce-the-liberation-day-tour-performing-in-pyongyang-north-korea
  23. "more additional" very fucking excited for this I read that as more additional versions of Cheetah, as it was in response to someone saying he dug both Cheetah tracks. Not that I'd be suprised if he got more stuff upcoming though :)
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