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Posts posted by perunamuusi

  1. 2 hours ago, auxien said:

    this one seems obv until the kick drum comes in ~2:00, but i'm convinced the kick is just on the & of the beat

    The lower hat patten starts on the 1. If you start with that then the dominant hats that mislead you clearly sound on the offbeat and the kick comes in as you would expect. Nice track.

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  2. The original Slumber Party Massacre introduced my wife to Pony trainers. I think the sports coach was wearing some that caught her eye. She now has multiple pairs of Pony high tops.



    Nebraska , what are your thoughts on Mindkiller?

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  3. 6 hours ago, Shimon_Shimon said:

    Always interested in negative reactions to art. Anything you can pinpoint that makes you think 'vapid'? Is It's not a style that I like, almost of faux naïf. It's not something I'd spend any time looking at if it was in a gallery; though it doesn't annoy me. 


    I don't  know. I was quite surprised as I can't remember ever having that kind of reaction to a painting before.

    It was more like how I would react to some particular piece of music or band perhaps but I can't think of an example. 

    Something that provokes a cross between a cringe and a  condescending sneer.  I think those paintings are a bit pathetic perhaps. Now I feel like I relly dislike the painter as a person just from looking at their work.

    Hmmmm. Not really sure.

  4. I listened to Oberlove in the bath and threw the stereo into the water  at the climax, fear and loathing style, but the lush power of the song was so strong that it made me live but also the lush power of the song made me  feel so sad that I punched myself in the heart until I died. 

    last post

  5. People who are not musically adventurous enough are pieces of actual shit. Human garbage. They are low class people and they should be gathered together in one place where I don't have to see them. They make me fucking puke whenever I look at one. It's actually a real medical  condition. Look it up. It begins with the letter P. But it's a silent P. It's not life threatening if you catch it in time, which fortunately for me they did. But only just. I was pretty lucky.  

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