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Everything posted by fumi

  1. ‘You will forget about me’ features a sample from the 1994 movie, ‘The Shadow’. Just made the connection after watching the film today. The lines in the sample are spoken by Alec Baldwin and Penelope Ann Miller.
  2. Those three albums, Returnal, Replica and R Plus Seven (all following each other) is the best of him, IMO. Some of the best music I've ever heard. I thought the majority of Age Of and Garden of Delete were just pretentious twaddle. Still a super talented artist - That 'Games' collaboration, the Tim Hecker material and those Commissions EPs. Just incredible stuff. I think everyone likes or gravitates to a certain side of his work. That always happens with super talented artists.
  3. Description of this album has me thinking it's a return to form. Hopefully this will be awesome (if the the below is to be believed)
  4. Off topic but I didn't know where else to post it. Question for FSOL experts, which of the early 90s radio sessions featured a sample from Tangerine Dream's 'Phadrea'? I could have sworn it was a Kiss FM broadcast buy cannot confirm it.
  5. fumi


    I think this will be one of the most expensive mistakes in movie history. The trailer looked good but this is one movie that will not connect with an audience. I was amazed when Blade Runner 2049 came out and totally enjoyed it but audiences didn't care. Dune is even more of a niche SF market. If you've ever read the book, you'll know that this will movie will not appeal to the mainstream audiences. The trailer was made for people who love Dune, it will not resonate with anyone else.
  6. In case you missed this. Posted pre-covid madness.
  7. I'm also so proud of Kanye telling everyone how proud he is that Kim is now officially a billionaire. In today's modern world, with all of us weathering the craziest of storms, its important to remember that financial wealth is the only true measure of a human life.
  8. Xerrox Voyage is an early favourite but Calypsoid 2 is the real killer track on this album. Shades of 'Shutov Assembly'.
  9. Limited time only. Issued on V/Vm Bandcamp. Made available again for a limited time due to the number of requests for it in full, this has not been remastered or altered in any way from its original 2006 upload and originally it was only available as an MP3 download. Update, immerse, remember, erase. Originally released in 2006. This is the full unedited and long unavailable 'The Death Of Rave' project. From its original press release. "An audio soup of half remembered rave anthems featuring all of the hits and many misses from the golden age of the Northern U.K. rave scene. From the run down Blackburn warehouses through to the M6 service stations enroute to Shelly's in Stoke the people came. The rave legacy no longer lives on, the corpse of rave bares no resemblance to those heady days in the late eighties and early nineties." https://vvmtest.bandcamp.com/album/the-death-of-rave-additional https://vvmtest.bandcamp.com/album/v-vm-the-death-of-rave-the-source
  10. Ignore the 80s New Age title. Remastered from 1982 tapes. Sonorous drift of trombones that are strangely alluring and comfortable.
  11. Still enjoy, (if that's the right word) this collection. It remains one of the most compelling, emotional and ground-breaking releases of the past decade - soothing and terrifying in equal measure. Breathtaking in scope and execution. An absolute masterpiece.
  12. Let's face it. Trump is so desperate to re-open again. His presidency depends on it. How can this even be on the table right now when the USA is still some way behind other countries regarding lockdown? I guess it's all numbers to him. As long as the death toll doesn't roll into hundreds of thousands then he considers that a good trade off in exchange for another four years in the White House. It's still all about him.
  13. This is just Trump facing huge criticism for totally inept handling of it. It's all political now. Deflecting blame on anyone but himself because it's election year. He doesn't care about the virus (doesn't have the attention span or the intellect to deal with it) and he doesn't care about people too. At the press conference yesterday, he didn't once mention the new death figures, just started focusing totally on how well he is doing and then parading out a bunch of stooges who echoed how brilliant Trump is. I don't know why anyone would watch this crap now. Every day is just basically an election campaign pitch - no humanity or sympathy for those Americans who have died. As someone else has already mentioned, The fact that the country has managed to hold itself together to the degree it has, despite being led by possibly the stupidest and most ridiculous world leader of a major nation in the history of humanity, is a credit to the overall structure of the USA.
  14. Some good points there. Also, there is the idea of fake conspiracies actually made up by the government. Back in the 80s during the Reagan Administration, this was called 'Perception Management' - a blurring of fact and fiction. The aim was to tell dramatic stories that grabbed the public's imagination - The Middle East, Russia and even Central America. It didn't matter whether the stories were true or not, provided they distracted the public and politicians from having to deal with the intractable complexities of the real world.
  15. Anyone watching the current press briefing from the US? Trump has put up video monitors playing back media clips criticising his handling of the crisis. Can you imagine this happening with the British Government or most of the European ones. America is almost surreal to me. Train wreck. It's all about the election.
  16. BBC. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-51271037https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-51271037
  17. https://twitter.com/VHS_Head/status/1247954656866820096?s=20
  18. https://bleep.com/release/180464-alva-noto-a-forest This remix is incredible. One of the best things I think I've ever heard. Digitals are available now.
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