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Posts posted by patternoverlap





    Development on the sequel to this sequel has already begun:



    Who & why designed the chest-burster?


    It's just gonna be David because he developed some stupid god complex and views androids as the next bastard step in evolution. His stupid lab is pictured below.

    And if this ain't right, it's gonna be something equally as stupid.



    OMG - you are probably right. If it turns out a human-created android created the Aliens we know as Aliens (Xenomorphs)... Ridley needs to just retire at this point, IMO.

    Wouldn't that involve time travel? Also it would make it patently absurd that Weyland is funding missions to find something he already indirectly created.
    How's time travel involved? Prometheus/Covenant takes place before the first Alien movie...



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Could totally be wrong, but I thought when they arrive on 223 in Prometheus and discovered the engineers that they were attacked and killed by some iteration of the xenomorphs evolutionary cycle, so assumed that process was already in place. Think I need to rewatch it



    Development on the sequel to this sequel has already begun:




    Who & why designed the chest-burster? 


    It's just gonna be David because he developed some stupid god complex and views androids as the next bastard step in evolution. His stupid lab is pictured below.

    And if this ain't right, it's gonna be something equally as stupid.




    OMG - you are probably right. If it turns out a human-created android created the Aliens we know as Aliens (Xenomorphs)... Ridley needs to just retire at this point, IMO.



    Wouldn't that involve time travel? Also it would make it patently absurd that Weyland is funding missions to find something he already indirectly created.

  3. National Lampoons' Strokin' Out in the Frat House


    An elderly retired man enlists the help of a top notch hollywood effects artist to make him look young so that he can infiltrate the ranks of a local college frat house. Things go well for a few weeks and he's fully enjoying the full benefits of living in such a house when things take a turn for the worse. In the middle of a massive kegger, while he is in the throws of passion with a young lady, the man finds himself in the midst of a massive stroke. He helplessly flails as his body and mind begin to fail him. At this point the film switches to a first person perspective and the viewer experiences what can only be described as an Animal House meets Enter the Void sequence of nightmarish helplessness as he wanders through the party trying to find help and is repeatedly mocked and laughed at.




    Trainspotting 2 - 7/10

    Strange to see these characters going at such a different pace from the frenetic first film. There was something just a little bit off about it, it meandered a bit. The flashes of brilliance were in no short supply though, so i can forgive the gaps in narrative and the difference in pace for a film which delivers such a visually rich canvas, an ode to it's past but moreso a basker in it's own very self aware history

    Danny Boyle directed it?




    Mmm Skyscraper...I love you



     It hurt a bit to hear them, in a lot of words, declare that men have no issues worth discussing. 


    I haven't seen the film, but I don't think that's a fair characterisation of their views, which is usually that men have lots of issues, but they're issues that will also be fixed by feminism.

    (not saying I agree or disagree with that view, jus sayin')



    Yeah, I don't really want to comment much on it. That's just how their conversations came across in the film. The interviews were less "what feminism has to offer men" and more "men are making a mountain out of a molehill" type criticisms. Ultimately, it's probably best to give it a viewing and decide for yourself.


    A lot of the MRAs are not very attractive or fit type men. For people that are convinced they are just a bunch of angsty losers there's more than enough of those to have a good laugh over. I must admit they are an easy target for shaming.



    They get ridiculed because a lot of why they are MRAs comes down to past personal experiences and a few testimonials from others. The larger statistics simply don't back up what they think is going on:









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