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Posts posted by patternoverlap

  1. Though he does seem rather divisive here and I'm a huge fan (who else combines drone, new age, noise, and glitch in such an accomplished way?), I'd say it's too soon for a sub forum. The fact that he inspires as much discussion as he does has to count for something. Alco and I had an epic discussion of him awhile back. Wish I had saved it.

  2. Nightcrawler - 7/10. Really well made and good performances all around from just about everyone. Gyllenhaal was extremely creepy. Ultimately though I found it a bit empty, as I found Bloom's character opaque and everyone else just kind of easy narrow caricatures. Without any insight into his inner workings other than hating people and wanting to succeed it just feels like a 2-dimensional send-up of the corporate go-getter mentality, which is well-worn territory.


    50 Shades of Grey - L(0)L/10. A shiny, highly polished turd of a movie. Fails on nearly every level. The range of acting was flat and mediocre to downright laughable. Super weak bondage scenes (which I thought was the whole part that made the book stand out with the general public), hilariously bad dialogue (though my wife tells me the book is that bad or worse w.r. to dialogue), and a cliff-hanger ending that actually had me laughing hysterically. Nearly a third of the movie seemed to be a car or helicopter commercial or a really weird ad for a hardware store (honestly, how much rope do you need to stock for bondage?).

  3. Deduction

    Denzel Washington's accountant has a few mishaps with his W2 filing, thus triggering the IRS to investigate. Though the W2 is submitted under his real name, the section chief for that particular regional IRS headquarters figures out whose W2 it is and begins using various machinations to arrange for Washington to meet him in person at said headquarters. The section chief then conducts him on an elaborate tour of the facility, buying as much time as he can to be with his favorite living actor. Denzel is led through a vast labyrinth of offices and hallways on several floors. Somewhere around the second basement sublevel, Washington realizes that the section chief has no desire whatsoever to let him escape the building and that he is being led into a trap. Will he escape the grasp of the section chief and find his way out of the maze, or will he suffer the same fate as the dozens of other celebrities who disappeared in the building?

  4. wow, this guy seems talented. does he make comics?


    He did a bunch of covers for Fables awhile back and a couple of interior shorts, but mostly he just makes piles of money on his paintings, murals, and various commercial projects for high profile clients like Prada.

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