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Posts posted by patternoverlap

  1. I'm really talking about the voter base, not policy makers. It's just becoming a lot more obvious that they're voting for politicians that want to take things away from them. How is it that Republican voters can consistently vote against their own interests?

    Lack of education, obviously, but given how ubiquitous the internet is, you would assume they would be a lot more informed.


    They also exist in a media echochamber. Brietbart, Fox News, etc basically tell them this is the correct thing to do and reassure them at every turn. They don't venture out media-wise because they are conditioned to hate the "liberal media"

  2. I don't think they need convincing of anything and are fully aware of what is going on. Most of them seem to want to look the other way regarding the poor and struggling so they can hop on the millionaire gravy train with everyone else. They all seem to want to construct some kind of rich white gated (walled?) utopia and let everyone else die.


    If that is not the case, I haven't seen anything suggesting otherwise. There are people in govt and the press literally telling them to their faces what the consequences will be, yet they push forward.


    If they really are that myopic and adhere to some ideological principles purely on a policy level with no thought at all to how they affect real humans out in the world, I'd be honestly shocked at their stupidity.

  3. He appeared to be fascinated with the shoes (if you'll recall he left his own shoes in the Lodge outpost building thingy in space) so maybe there will be a (Lynchian) connection there. There seems to be a lot of mirroring between different settings.

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