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Freak of the week

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Freak of the week

  1. very detailed electro of the highest order
  2. always liked hidden ambient in obelisk
  3. Selection Sixteen has cloudy weather vibes, that's why it works best in autumn/winter for me. Port Rhombus sounds like one hell of a port, can easily imagine hanging there on afternoons. Such a lush combo of organic sounds.
  4. the way this track develops is just insane
  5. here's mine Windscale 2 Male Pill Part 13 Conumber Dreaded Pestilence Don't Go Plastic Port Rhombus Gong Acid Acid Tape Track Boneville Occident F-Train Menelec Rotate Electrolyte Delta-V Arterial Fantasy The Metallurgist Exjag Nives Speedcrank
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