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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by BobDobalina

  1. On 1/5/2021 at 1:18 PM, nikisoko said:

    frankly, all that scratching was making me itch. it was not bad meaning bad, but bad meaning good.

    Goddamn that DJ made my day.  Is that a turntable? Well get on it, it's your turn.  D'ya like scratchin'?? Yeah, watizIT(?)  This disc jockey is FRESHHH.

    I do quite enjoy this longform tangent from A1-D1 from the 'Scom

    • Like 2
  2. 4 hours ago, chenGOD said:

    Was it Glory of Love? 
    also I feel like Peter Etcetera would be a good vapourwave name, like those other clever ones (com truise etc)

    Close, it was "next time I fall in love."  Was Glory of Love the one from Karate Kid 2?  G'dam that movie/soundtrack combo sucked hard.   It's ridiculous that one person could take something as inherently awful as the power ballad and through sheer formulaic banality drag it to uncharted depths.  Playing it through a retail establishement PA is an affront to basic human decency IMO.  It can't even be enjoyed ironically like yacht rock or even Kenny G and for that reason - and as your attorney - I'd advise against this Nome-de-plume, as pluperfect as it may be.  Definitely drop it in the Influx of thread and I'll gladly upborger it. ?


    3 hours ago, Cryptowen said:

    clif bars are like if they took healthy snack bar aesthetics & made an actual snack snack bar out of them. it's like when zizek talks about decaf coffee, but with another layer of abstraction applied. i'm into it

    I haven't had a clif bar in years since I was diagnosed celiac, but do they still have the origin story on the packaging about how their hippie crunchy asses were out ripping snowboard bingers to phish and needed a mellow of craveage and then clif pulled some shit out the campervan and that's when the capitalism kicked in?  I member that as the ur-coolstorybro

    • Burger 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

    I like the illusion it creates of him continually jumping through a hoop.  Beautiful.

    Funno, the hoop also looks like where the various expansion pack faces fit the head, like velcro.

    All real neckbeards have some velcro-like component to them.

  4. RIP Terminator Salvatorin, one of watmms finest

    Would post Billy Joel's "only the good die young" except it's one of his more terrible songs and about trying to bed a catholic schoolgirl.  I think Sal would've wanted in that way

  5. 14 hours ago, usagi said:

    don't forget the Ko Wreck Technique stuff (edit: which I have only just realised is supposed to be like "correc' technique" :cerious: this never clicked in my mind before)


    I was just caning this in my cah today in fact and fuck yeah does it still slap, as does the plaid remix. Supposedly he & DJ Craze were going to release a full album but it never came to pass

    I defiantly remember being more in prefuse 73 and Machine Drum (Mk I) back when but Ive been meaning to give these PBO albums a respin

  6. READY

    (srsly is this out yet?)

    3 hours ago, Nebraska said:

    some proper bangers on this joint (eg. 'riddem chant' goes hard). kinda wish it stayed a little more focused though as this is more akin a cleaner sounding beat konducta tape but whaevs. madlib is always on point

    Beat Konducta 1-2 goes hard to the muthafuckin paint, stoned-cold classic slept on only b/c it came out right around the same time as Donuts

  7. 39 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

    Speaking of state media: Palace not mine, Putin says.

    I vaguely recall from the 2016 election interference hearings a testimony from a well-informed gentleman describing just how Putin flexes w/ his circle of oligarchs - that is, whatever a particular oligarch may appear to own, the tacit understanding is that half of it is Putin's.

    Can't own a palace if you only own half of it and your half isn't on the books.

    • Farnsworth 1
  8. 8 hours ago, zero said:

    'mano, it's literally been decades since I felt the refreshing blast of cool, water filtered particulates race through me. got to keep it on the dl now thanks to the fam, so I'm onto the edible thing... but '97-'01 saw many a good agua device come and go, thanks in part to one too many an ice cube causing the ever so painful cracked glass.

    I hear ya compadre, I'm a fellow family hombre but still toke like an o.g., would do edibles more were it not for the celiac and diabeetus, which makes it kinda tough these days.  Before all that tho holy fuck the space cake in Amsterdam would send me to the next dimensional plane.  I remember that late 90s era pretty well to as it was my transition from binge drinker to stoner and yeah, ice bong hits were all the rage then, good memories alright.  Then someone turned me on to using red wine for the bong liquid, which to be fair is smooth AF, only shortly later to be told by a paramour (whomst've in retrospect I should not have hooked up with) that the alcohol in the wine kills the THC or summat, lol.

    6 hours ago, azatoth said:

    Already Been Vaped, the brown stuff you are left with after vaping. There is still some good stuff left and it's already been decarboxylated so it will be good to put in edibles if prepared. As is tastes awful.

    Thanks & pardon my ignorance of the vaping lexicon, a real today-I-learned moment here watmm!  Also good luck with that, using the whole buffalo!

    • Like 1
  9. 12 hours ago, azatoth said:

    I have something like 130+ g of ABV. I was thinking of making cannabutter of it, but how much butter is needed?

    Genuine question, what is ABV?  I've never heard of the term here in the states except as an abbreviation for "alcohol by volume" in beverages.  Anyway it would appear you have what scientists call a "fuck-ton" of it :sorcerer:

    36 minutes ago, Tim_J said:

    can't get used to vaping, maybe i need to try another vape but this pax3 thingie is not doing the trick... but it's supposed to be one of the bestest out there so...:shrug:

    can't really taste or smell the terpenes better than when smoking on a joint... which is supposed to be the other way around...

    Lorde knows I've tried but I've never been able to get into vaping either.  Just boils down to being to much of a hassle.  Without fail, actually with plenty of fail, the system would always break down in some new creative way, the heating coil burns out on this one, battery won't charge anymore on that one, cartridge gets stuck, cartridge arrives cracked, gets goo on anything -> thing = fucked.

    In stead I've just stuck with the a water pipe + good hash/flower combo, which aside from a few entirely preventable spillage/breakage incidents is about as stupid simple as it gets.  I don't have any tattoos, but if I did I'd strongly consider getting "just smoke it, man" in latin, comic sans

  10. Nice schwag porn @dcom

    Have you ever worn this Autechre pin?  Would go great on a North Face Jacket IMHO

    Agree that the typography looks circa LP5/EP7.  It's such a quizzical item, not bizarre enough to be made ironically like, say Aphex logo toilet paper yet begs the question how did it come to exist?  If the internets and whattum haven't shed any light on it maybe your only option is to go the the 'chre bros themselves.  About time Papa reeled them in for another AAA :dadjoke:


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