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Everything posted by Squee

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmT-jlL8ZiY
  2. Sylvio and Paulie are some of the best supporting characters ever to appear on a tv-show.

    Just look at those faces!


  3. that's dub, not dubstep. A classic dub track though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOJ8_QXG7LA
  4. French toast, cheese, and coffee. Grandpa Squee.
  5. Ugh - don't I know that feeling. I always feel butt naked when I'm not wearing my headphones on the bus or when I'm walking around downtown. Anyway, I'm using Sennheiser HD280 Pro because of the ridiculous amount of bass.
  6. I just found out that I don't have work tomorrow so I just had a good cup of coffee. Mmmm...
  7. [quote name='Arc2' date='07 December 2009 - 02:31 AM' timestamp='1260149471' post='1182270' woot woot That's the Barbie Karaoke Omnivox Box!!!
  8. Haha, don't worry I'm not one of those New World Order-nutcases, I'm just not sure about the whole climate debate...
  9. Al Gore just cancelled his big speech in Denmark in connection with the big Climate Conference. You would think he wouldn't let go of a chance like this. He would get the chance to talk to billions of people about what he really believes in but he decides not to?
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwkR3uuZMIM
  11. ET doesn't use shoes. He's thinks they're bugged.
  12. Truth. But they should have thought of other ways promoting this. Actually, it would have been easier to just cram a pollution tax down our throats without tying lies to it.
  13. Of course, it's never wrong to prevent pollution but the way it has been promoted, or whatever you feel like calling it, for the last couple of years (read: Al Gore) is a disgrace. I mean, Al Gore buying eco-indulgences from himself? That's fantastic!
  14. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB125883405294859215.html Finally!
  15. Someone probably already did this one but... A New Hope
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSsiJPZ-dWA Why are all dubstep intros so horrible?
  17. Holy shit, I've bought a coffee plunger and I've just had 3 cups of coffee. WOOO!
  18. Drinking coffee while writing a paper for tomorrow. If I finish it in time I'll roll a joint and go watch Up.
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