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Everything posted by jaderpansen

  1. highly unlikely, but can't shake off a tiny rest of hope that this might result in some kind of live setting with each chre streaming their parts seperately, would make for some major awesomeness imo. speaking of which: when will the 2020 tour be made up for? i already got my 3rd shot godammit, let's go! no petrol for the tour bus? ?
  2. Ah, just a failed BGP update apparently... which locked out potential remote fixer-uppers as well. Duh.
  3. jaderpansen


    Hey yo so this was... pretty adequate actually! Didn't read the books but from what i've heard it was quite a faithful adaption. Turns out some stuff i missed was entirely Lynch's idea lol. Ah well whatevs. While i always felt the Lynch version starts out well enough and only really starts falling apart in the second half, this one was pretty much the other way around, got better once shit got down on Arrakis. My fav scene was the one with Paul and Jessica being tied up on the Ornithopter... actually i think Ferguson's performance was my favourite overall. Hoping for pt 2 now. Peace.
  4. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/hgv-lorry-driver-shortage-germans-b1930558.html ... lol.
  5. Good article about bad practices https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2021/11/facebook-authoritarian-hostile-foreign-power/620168/ Quit facebook. Now.
  6. scary af: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/09/23/robert-kagan-constitutional-crisis/
  7. we are fucked. germany's voting for a new parliament on sunday, green party obviously ran the most ambitious candidate for chancelor, but looks like she's gonna end up 3rd of 3. almost 40% of eligible voters are over 60, more than half of them over 70... ?
  8. it is this: and yeah, there's actually some similarity i hadn't noticed before.
  9. Oh yeah, that was a good one! The idea with the hidden message irl blew my mind quite a bit back then. ?
  10. for me: onesix=ae_live>elseq≈sign>nts(2 in particular)>xi>plus or something like that, fluctuates with mood. so i guess in my case yeah, but ^
  11. SIGN meets harp meets doom metal / drone... should become a thing afaic:
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