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Everything posted by jaderpansen

  1. also loving her body language during press conferences, especially while she's listesting, like that gentle tilting of the head from side to side... *sigh*
  2. looks like senate reps are blocking the commission on the january 6 insurrection, only 6 went pro, 10 would have been needed. the "gop" is so very lost.
  3. alright, let's make it official:
  4. "What is your favorite 80s album?" "Yes"
  5. more about sound design than composition, but hey, where to draw the line in electronic musics anyway?
  6. At least they're dying heroically knowing they didn't succumb to pharma capitalism. *salutes*
  7. ya heard? divorced childfucker gates had frozen pizza yesterday! never gonna touch dat shit again! you'll need more of that if you reject the vaxx, believe me. i don't see why knee-jerk scepticism against everything remotely "mainstream" would be considered more "free" of a thinking than the opposite. now if you please im gonna enjoy this O2. covid-19 is infectious.
  8. 2:22 into metaz never fails to deliver the goosies. fuck... ?
  9. never even started with that shit. facebook, insta, twitter, what-have-you... none of these. did i ever feel like missing out? nope.
  10. 5:20 "... only people who are ill and have symptoms are really strong infectious risks to other people..." 6:20 "... asymptomatic transmission... not one of those things is supported by the science..." Are fucking kidding me? Besides indeed being scientific consesus i experienced exactly that in numerous cases first fucking hand. I work in a retirement home and we found out about our first case merely by chance through a standard test without ANY suspicion, no fucking symptoms anywhere to be seen. Mere days later the whole place was infected, including numerous colleagues. Almost half of the residents who lived in that living area fucking died (around 14 people) without being able to say goodbye. Despite immediately being quarantined after said positive test the virus soon spread to other floors as well... Couldn't be arsed to watch beyond that. Add some "Everything they told you is a lie" rethoric (well he actually says exactly that quite literally) and you have a perfect example of something that is indeed "rubbish". If this asshole has indeed all the degrees he so proudly mentions right in the beginning he must have won them in a fucking tombola.
  11. there is something wrong with you. not particularly metal, either... here, lemme help: (jk oc whatevs floats the boats etc blah)
  12. seems too good to be true tbh... source?
  13. Siech, gopfadammi gopfadelli gopfadori! (also nice: Hurebanane, as heard on )
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