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Everything posted by jaderpansen

  1. Yeah, in "my" retirement home quite a few people got infected after the first shot, too. but opposed to the pre-vac outbreak literally none of these cases got severe, whereas nearly 50% of non-vaccinated residents had died before. I know, completely anecdotal and probably not saying much but yo... i try to remain cautiously optimistic.
  2. turns out zuckerberg himself uses a competitor product, setting a good example lel:
  3. time for some "classic" german powermetalviolence: YACØPSÆ. pretty feral imo. lyrics are about as pissed off as they sound btw.
  4. well it's certainly somewhere up there (after rcazt, drane2, 444 and first half of sublimit tho).
  5. great job! lovely transitions and overall vibe.
  6. dun, hun! btw are you married by now?
  7. yeah to me it sounds more like the waiting room musak once you arrived. deffo has a fluffy, "cloudy" sound.
  8. yeah i can definitely say i revisited mot more often. oversteps is certainly a more complete experience (as it should be as an album i guess), but mot is just more varied and digestible, i don't have to be fully in its "mode" to dig it, while oversteps is more for certain moments. also nth meistereder.b.
  9. yeah i immediately noticed more intelligent texture loading, meaning the game looks considerably better with even a slight FPS boost (playing on low, somewhat old machine). also cops and npc behaviour improvement is very apparent, appreciating the car control slider, too... alas some bugged quests from old save states remain hat way for now. just minor side missions, but still...
  10. yeah, loads of great performances in that one. my favourite scene is the one with fassbender's character in the french tavern, culminating in a shootout where basically everyone bites the dust except von hammersmark. the way the tension builds really is something to behold. hollywood was ok... felt a bit aimless in places to me.
  11. finally checked the first few out and hey, not even half bad! i think i liked 2 and 4 the most so far... found most of it rather soothing rly.
  12. absolutely stunning track, alas it tends to make me rather melancholic than happy, maybe even more now that mr. hollis' gone...
  13. hooray! btw i fucking love the artworks for these.
  14. onesix, cos screw physicality for all i care. (aren't pretty much all albums 2x12"s tho? do these even count? anyway i like l-event's yellow n shit)
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