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Everything posted by jaderpansen

  1. still absolutely adore this release. still majorly eager to hear the corresponding live set. covid pls.
  2. oh i'm totally with you on that. on the contrary: what i was trying to say was that it might seem like he actually "highbrowed" his work by loading it with artificial context / theoretical substruction that just kinda randomly offered itself at time... but yo, i'm out until i have seen the movie / heard the piece, i'm not in a position to discuss this particular situation / person really. i just generally agree with psn that this is a thing in certain cases. exposing other peoples' private life might be considered a privacy violation for a reason tho... i dunno. somewhat interesting dilemma, that. beat me to it again. XP
  3. well to make these cases commensurable SIGN would have to look something like this imo:
  4. i think psn's point is, that the loops actually weren't "about" 9/11, they just happened to be finished on that day. so the 9/11 theme could be seen as merely tacked on to embellish the piece with gravitas that wasn't originally intended. personally i haven't seen the doc or even listened to the piece, so i wouldn't know better, but tbh that's a plausible angle in my book... also so far i haven't read anything in your arguments that goes far beyond "but others do it, too", which naturally opens discourse about elitism (genius/artisitic value etc.). not hating here, just an observation. i think i get what you're on about tho, it's cool to vent personal / social rl tragedy into artistic products... and i tend to agree in general.
  5. thanks alot man! good read indeed.
  6. heh, not quite... but i grew up right around the corner. my grandma speaks the thickest alemannic imaginable, so i understand most swiss dialects about 92%, which is more than enough to find this track amusing :).
  7. i rly dig the musics but nah... also already got 2/3 on CD so whatevs. (never felt the artwork for these tho tbh, especially that handwriting font...)
  8. To be honest i never got what he was supposed to express exactly. Had the feeling he was thrown around in an ironic way mostly, like "jazz" or "cool story, boomer" or whatever. While Schops he um... well... you just know when it's a Schopenhauer moment. Like when the situation calls for a Schopenhauer quotation... or um, when Schopenhauer is depicted and / or mentioned somewhere... or um... y'know... like that's some deep shit y'know. And since this forum is infamously oozing with wisdom he'll become most handy, i'm sure!
  9. this would be yet another occasion for the schopenhauer reaction i pleaded for a while ago... c'mon dada make it happen!
  10. genuine lols, didn't know that one... actually my introduction to the song was this cover: can't quite compete in terms of sheer degeneracy tho. edit: FLOL can't get over the refrain of the cradle version XD... thanks for the laugh!
  11. man can i relate to that... sent this to our guitar player just earlier today (track order suggestion):
  12. @dingformung: Quit burgering me you Spast! D; edit: better...
  13. You obvs still have feelings for her, don't try to chow em down for the sake of friendship while things are hot, it most won't work. Give it time and things will evolve naturally later (or not, but it won't matter as much to you then). Don't hesitate to take a break from each other if neccessary, even if it hurts... Sorry to read it.
  14. Well, it was... and it could be again, thanks to vaxx-certificates (among other things). "and thus the circle closes".
  15. Or ironically "the jews" right now for that matter... srsly, that's a strange idea of discrimination. Edit: In fact i'm afraid this won't happen in Germany at all thanks to good old "Deutsche Neidkultur".
  16. 'fraid i can't since i never had one in the first place. -_-
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