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Everything posted by jaderpansen

  1. cheers! yeah, frankly so do i, alas things might take a while... hopefully not another 8 years tho.
  2. image tracing in adobe illustator. had to reconvert to png after scaling tho cos it violated spreadshirt's anchor point limit.
  3. flol... hey ho, hope all's well.
  4. ivan to the rescue? from what i can tell it's pretty accurate.
  5. sean says he actually felt quite honored by yorke's attention and that he liked ok computer at that time, but they pretended like they didn't give much of a fuck and proceeded to release some of their most unaccessible material like gantz graf, for which he apologizes.
  6. can't remember ever seeing the winded one not exhibiting his trademark grumpy look*... haven't been following thread that extensively tho... *
  7. can't remember reading this one before (belgian): https://www.humo.be/muziek/wij-hebben-een-eigen-smoel-omdat-we-geen-geld-hadden-voor-deftig-materiaal~b4718778/ some lolsy remarks regarding radiohead appreciation.
  8. i have to correct this statement: it's their best album closer period.
  9. sure am, contains some all time favs like 1 1 is, nodezh and spl9... but overall i prefer AE_LIVE and elseq. edit: SIGN too, thinking about it.
  10. 98-03 / 14-18 + live sets 05-08... i think.
  11. one og piece of watmm gone right there. speechless. rest in peace. -_-
  12. my thought exactly. fancy dust collector par excellence.
  13. great way to experience the set(s) tbh, appreciating the slower pace immensly.
  14. this isn't right. rest in peace. -_-
  15. what a fucking tragedy, she had so much to give yet... fuck!
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