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Everything posted by jaderpansen

  1. had the one-track leak, loved what i heard but deleted it after constantly listening to it for 2 days to hold out for the vinyl. now with the wavs available i couldn't bear it anymore, even after only 2 days so many moments of this album had been stuck in my head... now i just heard it again all the way through in proper quality and what can i say... this album is a gift. i can see how some post-2000-only fans would think it's cheesy, for me it's a dream come true. the flow is perfect, it's cohesive but still varied, catchy yet challenging and yes, like that blog-dude put it just "aggressively beautiful". honorary mentions: qplay, Treale and d-sho qub are just totally banging; O=0 and Youp (EPIC) literally move me to tears but no track is skip-material at all this time. also really, really like known(1) that broken, "improvisey" synth joining at around a minute sounds like some weird kind of freshly hatched robot-chocobo to me, crying out "i'm alive" lol, yeah whatever XP if anything it reminds the most of certain remixes they did in the 90s, which i always considered among their best work. for example, listen to the psi onyx, jail of freedom or adverse camber remixes and you'll kow what i mean. now for not coming across as a total fanboi-zombie, if i HAD to criticize certain points it would be that i'm not toooo fond of the beat in r ess (i have the feeling it somehow sits "on top" of the track and the sounds just aren't really my taste) and krYlon, while being a totally fine track in itself, yyyeah sounds a BIT samey compared to see on see in terms of sounds used. that's it really.
  2. speaking of which, apparently O.S.T. will join in for the berlin date... excellent bonus! ok ima noob… who's O.S.T.? also thanks panz0r for finding out about the radio! this: http://www.myspace.com/rougishscald also goes by other names like dalglish and rook valla®de. was featured on ATP3 comp. awepittance should be able to tell you more... ;)
  3. speaking of which, apparently O.S.T. will join in for the berlin date... excellent bonus!
  4. i don't think so. sure the album is very fluent, but tracks are still singular entities.
  5. right now the ending of O=0 reminds me an awful lot of m.bison's stage in sfIIww XD certainly a favourite so far! as are known(1), qplay, yuop and d-sho qub... the latter sounds like a vision from the 80s on lsd morphing into ligeti's requiem/popol vuh. how anyone would not shit himself with joy over this release is beyond me. EMOCRE!
  6. The big shot magazine reviewer got this listed on his last.fm : r ess (5:12) ilanders (5:32) known(1) ?? pt2ph8 (4:09) qplay (4:38) see on see (4:37) Treale (6:05) os veix3 (4:37) O=0 (4:52) d-sho qub (6:26) st epreo (1:43) redfall (3:48) krYlon (6:08) --- ilanders on this leak lasts for almost 7 minutes. that's really odd. This makes me think this m4a file is a recorded one on one stream copy. Someone played the album from start to finish, played ilanders twice and then it got recorded just like that. A true one on one copy from a live stream. So I don't think this is a CD rip at all. ok now, i have: 01 r ess 5.08 02 ilanders 5.27 (third track cut out since it's ilanders again) 03 known(1) 4.40 04 pt2ph8 4.05 05 qplay 4.32 06 see on see 4.34 07 Treale 6.00 08 os veix3 4.37 09 O=0 4.52 10 d-sho qub 6.15 (??) after that it gets shady, tracks transform more and it's hard to tell when one ends and another starts... still i think that's pretty good proof... it also sounds very homogeneous... but i've been had before, so...
  7. when you seperate the tracks the lengths are NEARLY identical to the last.fm times -some seconds (the transitions?), with the exception of os veix and O=0 which seem to fit perfectly. also ilanders is played twice.
  8. and i totally get "baroque" now XD... harpsichord anyone?
  9. and thus autechre was "gotten" by girlfriends around the globe. i can't believe they did it. and so well. i love how you could consider it "retro" on one hand, but... at the same time it's so totally not. under the sugar there's still alot of tension, their harmonic sensibilities surely evolved. soundboard etc...
  10. just got to that one as well... so true. imagine this stuff live... omfg
  11. d-sho qub ... THAT CHOIR!! (or is it st. already?...) anyway: holy */=§!
  12. i just hit "known(1)" ... incredible. i'm speachless :O
  13. it's insulting to your own intelligence to assume that one is incapable of being able to tell if something is AE just because they don't have '9 identical albums' i know what you mean but c'mon, he has a point... you just can't tell me that if around the time of confield/draft whatevs someone capable of time-travelling showed you a track like theswere (tho i think you like that one, don't you?) you'd have immediately gone like "aaah yeah, that's my boys!" still i totally agree that fake doesn't sound like 'em at all, although i guess i should be quiet about these matters from now...... (still quite convinced about that incomplete one :P... at least one couldn't tell by the time... kk hush )
  14. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UVUK1LD7 this is what i was talking about... let the flaming commence...
  15. hooray, now bury me in shame... what's your source? promo?
  16. i just grabbed an incomplete mp3 of d-sho qub off soulseek and i bet my ass it's legit... [spoilers ahead] in terms of production it's indeed quite close to certain aspects of quaristice: very "spacey" and wide (lots of warm, reverby pads)... BASS! starts off with some ambient chords and bubbly sounds in the bg (metroid-tourian), soon awkward, skeletal BEAT sets in (snares like shots in the dark lol) with more and more percussive effects joining in building an actual groove... bassline sounding very organic, almost like "real" double bass. "qubby" vibe yeah. then an ambient middle section (vangelis/paralel suns style) until beat comes back in a more reduced form and unfortunately soon after that the mp breaks off... all in all it ate my soul. totally awesome! really tempted to look for the rest now although i kinda wanted to wait for the whole experience this time :/ argh... the complete time would be 4:24. i know if this'll turn out to be fake this post will make me look like an ass but like i said i'm very confident, it has autechre written all over it in terms of mood, production etc and it really fits in with everything one has heard about the album so far...
  17. These extended versions sound amazing, I haven't heard them. And VL Al5 and Uviol are favorites, in my top 5 between these two albums. I'd definitely be interested if you guys can find the webcast tracks :) http://rapidshare.com/files/298882270/2008_-_uviol__extended_mix_from_webcast_23-02-2008_.mp3.html http://rapidshare.com/files/298878379/2008_-_VL_AL_5__extended_mix_from_webcast_23-02-2008_.mp3.html
  18. ha, as it seems it didn't even last one day... bummer... reup, anyone? anyway, thanks alot for this and of course even more for the new glasgow recording!
  19. fwze reminds me of all tomorrow's linoleum, in a more straight forward electro groove... i like! impressive, in every single radio transmission a whole different vibe was presented, it seems like quaristice will be a very varied and somewhat eclectic release...
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