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Posts posted by blackdust

  1. Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones

    The demon is back, shamelessly, fresh from his catalogue of embarrassment in Paranormal 4 where it spent most of the day playing dancing games on the x box and fooling around in the sand pit in the back yard.

    He's possessing mexicans in a place called Oxnard, CA now.

    To say any more would give away the plot.

    I liked the twist thing at the end but the rest of it was shit.

  2. Thought i would share a banner design i did for my daughters first birthday that's coming up.


    Its all 3D modeled and the animals in it are actually her own wooden toys i remade on the computer. Should look good when i get it printed at work at some point,









    not finished but nearly. Gonna sell it on ebay

    Awesome! Chalk?


    cheers mate. its acrylic


    Man i was way off :D haha If its not digital i have no idea what it is :D Not done any "real" painting since i was at high school with water colours.



    @jules: you love zombies? They are the only reason I keep watching.


    I hope the "scientist" really does have the cure and the show becomes an attempt at curing humanity of its massive problem.


    The fourth season is silly enough to go this direction.

    I can't tell if the "scientist acts like schizophrenic dude who thinks he's a scientist" was supposed to be a red herring and he's actually a scientist, but my guess is he's just a crazy dude.

    Yeah I thought that maybe him and the ginger guy met in the looney bin and came up with this dilution and went out on the road.


    Don't know how it follows the comics never read them

  5. I'm surprised that people don't do things to those cameras, i mean at least project your road rage in a useful direction you erks. Don't hit random people that cut you off with a tyre iron, take out that speed camera with the tyre iron. All will applaud, well except for the arsetrolls that go slow in the fast lane, they will be tut tutting, and then hypocritically picking up their phones whilst driving to dial the peez.

    This one was mobile so they would have had the fuzz in them.... So it would be all kinds of worse if i went smashing it up :D

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