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Posts posted by blackdust

  1. K. Here's my theory on Promotheus 2. The Space jockey is GOD, the creator. The engineers are his workers. EPIC ENDING when Naomi Rapace faces the ultimate dillemma and kills god to prevent the extinction of humanity. Probably with the help of an alien / fachugger. BEST FILM EVER.


    That is a good theory, bit like how the alien queen is twice the size of the others, so could the God engineer.

  2. this is the best 3D i have experienced thus far.


    Worth seeing in IMAX, if you have the time, money and want to do it Mirezzi.


    Otherwise I am waiting for the Blu-ray as well.


    I never even noticed the 3D to be honest, don't know if that's a good thing because it was just there to add depth or what, but i cant say there was a scene where i was like "woah did you see that 3d!!??"

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