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  • Birthday 04/13/1985

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  1. smetty come back 



  2. im late to this... so basically vaporwave is shit music with shit visuals?
  3. Ass sweat. I went to the gym for the first time in a month to get back on track, and by the end of it all it looked like i had crapped my sweatpants. Maybe some of that is the added few pound ive put on, but goddamn I wonder what people think of me when they see me leaving.
  4. shit id be interested in that too....i never thought ps3 would be much for those sort of city-sim type games though? Skyrim and the Fallout games have MASSIVE explorable worlds, and the new DLC for Skyrim lets you build your own house. Skyrim is such a great game. I find myself playing it for about 20 hours over a weekend completely obsessed, then not touching it for weeks only to pick it up again and fall in love all over.
  5. finished the first season of American Horror Story...was pretty weird so I enjoyed it....though there were tons of plot holes and ridiculousness. The theme song was fucking cool as shit too.
  6. American Hustle-5/10 What an overrated mess. Constant soundtrack montages that were completely unnecessary, the story was so forced and over-the-top it became stupid only about 15min. into the film, and not in a ha-ha-funny way either. Its like Russell just got everyone from Silver Linings Playbook back together to fuck around with Baz Luhrmann as the cinematographer. The only saving grace for this movie was Jennifer Lawrence; only time I really laughed in the entire movie. Everything else was either retarded or uninteresting. Even Louis C.K. was disappointing (though its definitely not his fault).
  7. Bit it and downloaded Europa Universalis IV from the steam sale....Im really hoping my graphics card will support it....canyourunit.com tells me i failed the minimum testing, but I ran Crusader Kings II just fine, and as far as I can tell they use the same engine. Man Im so pumped, the EU series is probably my favorite game series of all time.
  8. submitted final grades. cue endless whining.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCFOPF8T4WM
  10. yeah i am excite about wasteland 2 as well (HUGE NV and FO3 fanboy), but no way im fucking paying 60 bucks for any video game. I unfortunately bought FO and FO2 from GOG.com a while back....Ive only gotten into Fallout thus far, and I like the gameplay for the most part, but it pisses me off that there isnt a better save system. Make absolutely sure that you save at every conceivable circumstance in one slot, and a second slot for when you know you are in a good situation.
  11. thats absolutely gorgeous!! thanks for posting!!
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